Setting up a Raw Food Pantry
One of the comments that I hear most often is, “I could never do raw, it is too hard and complicated”. Let me tell you, once you get set up, it is much easier than traditional cooking, Breakfast this morning? My cacao smoothy. Prep time: 4 minutes. Clean up time: 30 seconds. Last night for dinner I made pumpkin seed, sun dried tomato pesto. This went on top of tomatoes, and zucchini, and was topped with some pine nut Parmesan and balsamic vinegar. Dinner was on the table in less than 10 minutes and clean up consisted of rinsing out the food processor. No dirty pots and pans to worry about, no cooking time to factor in. We had a beautiful, gourmet dinner that was fresh, tasted great, and was very satisfying.
There are a few things that I like to make sure that I always have on hand. It makes impromptu creating a snap and also insures that I will have ingredients on hand to throw together for breakfast, lunch or dinner at a moments notice. Staples for me include nuts and seeds, fruits, veggies, dried fruits, some grains, oils, and a few fun extras.
Subscribe for Rawmazing’s Updates and get a PDF chart of my pantry set-up. The sign up is in the upper left corner of the website. Just sign up and when you confirm, you will receive an email with a link to the pdf. Make sure your confirmation doesn’t get stuck in your spam folder!!
Cindy Ethridge wrote on December 18, 2013
I have signed up for the pantry list three times, but I never find anything in my email and I have checked the junk as well. Could you please try sending it again?
Casi Leigh wrote on February 5, 2011
I have been receiving the emails for a bit now (love them!) but I never received the PDF file with the pantry info. I would really love to have copy of that if it can be sent again! 🙂
Susan wrote on February 5, 2011
To get a copy of the pantry list, you need to sign up through the email service, not the RSS feed. The form for that is on the right side of the site, where you put in your name and email address. When you sign up, an email will automatically be sent to you with the password and instructions to get the pantry list. 🙂 Signing up for the mailing list, vs the RSS feed also gets you personalized emails, written by me, not just a feed of what has been posted.
Kathy Branaman wrote on July 11, 2010
Am currently a subscribed to your updates but I don’t remember getting your panty setup and don’t remember my password (if I have one). Help?
Susan wrote on July 12, 2010
You need to sign up though aweber, not feedburner. Feedburner just updates you as to when there has been a post. Our new aweber will also send you our emails, etc. There might be multiple emails for a bit but soon that will be sorted out.
Anita Matthews wrote on June 27, 2010
Gretta B wrote on June 26, 2010
I have ischemic colitis and seen a nutritionist who started me on raw foods that are steamed. I would love more recipes on foods I can eat.
mandi wrote on August 25, 2009
This is exactly what I have been looking for. I have tried a few times to go raw, but found the meal prep to be really tedious and time consuming. Do you have any tips to make the whole prep process go smoothly?
Thanks for offering the PDF! I have a decent stock of nut/grains/dried fruit in my pantry but I have no idea what to do with it!
Heather wrote on August 23, 2009
Love this photo and the post! So true…it is much easier than I would have thought to prepare and eat raw!