Your whole food, plant-based life.

Rawmazing Simple Raw Recipes

A while back, my first book, “Rawmazing Easy Raw Food” was picked up by Skyhorse Publishers. It was released in July and sold out to book buyers before it even hit the bookstands! A second printing was ordered but because the first book sold out,  I haven’t been able to promote it or even discuss it because copies were not available.

Well, leave it to Amazon, they bought up a lot of copies and  are now offering the book for only $7.21 plus shipping. It is in full color and all of the recipes that were in Rawmazing Easy Raw Food are included. You can also find it in your bookstores but not for this price! The normal selling price is 16.95. How they do it is beyond my understanding. I suppose it is because they sell such a dramatic volume of books and they have no brick and mortar stores.

I have no control over what Amazon sells books for but I wanted to let you know about this incredible deal on the book. You can buy it here: Rawmazing 130 Simple Recipes for Radiant Health

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  1. Stephanie Urban wrote on March 20, 2013

    WHAT? Holy moly. I ordered your full color print from you several months ago, and it was like $35! Well worth the money. I live out of this cook-less book. Thank you for your continuously simple recipes and delicious concoctions! Just had a plate of raw zucchini corn cakes with cilantro cream sauce. Yummers!

  2. Rocki wrote on November 27, 2012

    Just ordered mine today and so happy that I found your AMAZING website! I’m vegan, celiac and allergic to dairy, so eating raw just makes sense for me…which I am very new to this. In fact, my dehydrator arrives tomorrow!

    I will definitely update here and on Amazon.
    Thank you!

  3. Pat Newson wrote on November 20, 2012

    I have just received my (ridiculously cheaply priced) hard copy of RawMazing over 130 Simply Raw Recipes for Radiant Health – & I so love it! gorgeous to look at – a photo on every page – beautiful format & I know the recipes are going to be terrific because I have been following this website for some time now.

    Thank you, thank you.

    pat newson, comox, british columbia, canada

    • Susan wrote on November 20, 2012

      Thank you, Pat! If you have a minute, I could use some great reviews like that over on Amazon!


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