Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Cashew Cream (raw)
When my girls were little, one of our favorite summer desserts was a cake that involved angel food cake, strawberries, strawberry jello, and whipping cream. Oh, and lots of sugar. It was light, refreshing, and incredibly tasty. I missed that cake every summer. When I was writing my book, Rawmazing Desserts, I decided to make a raw strawberry cake with strawberry cashew cream. It was a delicious success and captured the best parts of our old favorite with out the processed sugar and dairy.
The cake part of the recipe uses only a few ingredients. Oat flour, almond flour, strawberries, coconut butter and maple syrup. You can easily make your own raw oat flour and your own raw almond flour. With the almonds, to get truly raw almond flour, you need to start with raw almonds. Check the sidebar —> to the right —> for a link.

You will be pleased at how quickly this comes together. And with some pretty healthy ingredients. I always feel the need to remind everyone that you should look at this as a dessert, because it is. And you will want to watch your servings because they are calorie dense. But at least they are nutritional calories!

This recipe for vegan whipped “cream” is crazy. It actually tastes so much like whipped cream you won’t believe it. I put coconut butter in the recipe because it is more of a whole food but if you really want a treat, make this with organic refined coconut oil such as Specturm. It doesn’t have a coconut flavor and it makes a mind-blowing whipped “cream”. We have friends that couldn’t tell the difference.
Just a note. This recipe is made in the dehydrator. I have not tried baking it or making it in the oven. I think if you put the molds in at a very low heat, and watched your time, it could work. But it won’t be raw. Let me know if you try it!
Rawmazing Desserts is currently on sale on Amazon for only 5.95! It is a beautiful book, with almost 200 pages of delicious, raw dessert recipes. There are recipes for cookies, cakes, sweet breads, biscotti, ice cream and newly added frozen desserts along with the basics for ganache, cashew whipped cream and others! You can find it here: Rawmazing Desserts.
Make Ahead Tips
I would highly recommend making the cakes and the strawberry whipped “cream” the day before assembly. The whipped cream needs to set up overnight and then you will mix the strawberries into it just before serving.
The cakes take quite a few hours in the dehydrator. You will need 4, 3 1/2-inch molds for this recipe or you could make it with one 8-inch. Dehydration times will change if you use one larger one. It will take longer.
You can make the cakes a day or two in advance and just keep in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Raw Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Whipped "Cream"
Serves 4 - 8
Strawberry Cake
- 1 1/4 cup almond flour
- 2 cups raw oat flour
- 2 cups strawberries, chopped
- 3/4 cup coconut butter
- 1/2 cup maple syrup (not raw but used in many raw recipes)
- Mix together almond flour and oat flour.
- Puree strawberries in food processor.
- Add coconut butter and maple syrup to strawberries. Pulse until well combined.
- Stir strawberry mixture into almond/oat mixture.
- Place 4, 3 1/2-inch oiled ring molds onto a non-stick dehydrator sheet.
- Distribute batter between molds.
- Dehydrate at 145 for 1 hour*, reduce heat to 115 and dehydrate for 4 more hours.
- Carefully remove rings and dehydrate for another 4-5 hours or until done. You can remove the non-stick sheet at this time, too.
Strawberry Cashew Cream
- 1 cup cashews, soaked until soft and drained.
- 1 cups water
- 1/2 cup coconut butter (or refined coconut oil for no coconut flavor but not raw)
- 1/4 cup maple syrup (not raw but used in many raw recipes)
- 1 vanilla bean
- 2 cups strawberries, copped
- Place the cashews, water, coconut butter and maple syrup in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth.
- Cut vanilla bean in half lengthwise and scrape the pulp out. Add the pulp to the blender and blend until well incorporated.
- Place “cream” into a glass container and refrigerate overnight.
- When ready to serve, stir in chopped strawberries.
- Cut cakes in half. Place strawberry cashew cream filling between layers and on top. Place in refrigerator until ready to serve.
*Don’t worry, it’s still raw. During the first hour the food is throwing off water and the food temp never gets over 115.
Daniela wrote on July 12, 2017
I have a question … Are 4 molds 3 1/2-inch high?diameter?
Excuse my English, I speak Spanish
Thank for the recipes. I love it
Susan wrote on July 13, 2017
Hi, Daniela, The molds are 3 1/2 – inch in diameter. Cheers!
Gurupriya wrote on July 8, 2017
Hi Susan,
I just started to make the cake. Your recipe says 145°. I assume Fahrenheit and not celsius? And then you say reduce heat, but it does not say how much. Should it be the minimum on my dehydrator, which is 109F?
I will try the minimum. But if you see this now, I would appreciate your advice.
Thank you so much for the superb and delicious recipes.
Susan wrote on July 9, 2017
Oh, sorry about that! Reduce the heat to 115. 109 will work too, it will just take longer. Cheers!
Gurupriya wrote on July 9, 2017
It doesn’t really work with my dehydrator. It’s already 12h on, on 43°C and the oil of the almond is leaking the whole time. Don’t know what I did wrong. I have a sedona combo dehydrator. The ‘dough’ is still very weak.
Any suggestions?
Susan wrote on July 9, 2017
After reading your comments, I think I know what the problem is. Did you use coconut oil not coconut butter? They are extremely different products. One is pure oil, the butter has coconut solids in it and isn’t pure oil. That could be the problem. I am not sure what you mean by the oil of the almond? It should be almond flour. The batter should have never leaked out of the rings. Did you use the oat flour and almond flour? It sounds like yours is too wet for some reason.
Gurupriya Dupont wrote on July 10, 2017
Hi Susan, yes I used cocnut oil. I didnt even know coconut butter exists. So i didn’t read ‘butter’ ??
I geinded my almonds until it was flower and I did the same with the oatflakes. I always use it like that.
But when I mix my almond flower with something humid in my high speed blender it always becomes oily when i mix it too long. And that is the almond oil that comes free. Also because of the heat after one minute.
Gurupriya wrote on July 10, 2017
I used almond and oat and grinded it to flower. But my almonds are really fresh from last year’s harvest. Maybe I should use les coconut oil next time or even none.
I’m going to try to eat it now as tender and oily as it is. Let you know how it is.
Dorit wrote on July 8, 2017
Thanks Susan. I have posted it on my SM sites,
Gurupriya wrote on July 10, 2017
Wow, it was decadent delicious!!
And I think I know what I did wrong.
I did blend the flower with strawberry mix and let it on too long probably. Then the oil comes out of the almond. (that’s what I have when I make energy balls too, because it has to come loose from the blender. When rolling them my hands are very oiled and soft afterwards, which is a nice sideeffect)
If I only would have mixed it together it would have been dryer. Mine batter was very fine in structure and more wet.
What do you think?
Thanks by the way for sharing this recipe, I love it!
Susan wrote on July 10, 2017
I am pretty sure that you used coconut oil instead of coconut butter. That would be the issue. Coconut butter has coconut solids in it and is not as oily as coconut oil which is a pure oil.
The cake recipe calls for coconut butter, not coconut oil. Cheers!
Gurupriya Dupont wrote on July 10, 2017
Dear Susan, apperently my response didn’t come through.
Indeed I used coconut oil. I didn’t even know that coconut butter existed, that’s probably why I didn’t see it.
I grind my almonds in my blender to make flower.
And when I mix it with something else afterwards in my blender, on high speed and long enough it becomes warm and the oil comes free fom the mixture. That’s also pretty much how you can make almond butter. I didn’t make it yet myself but I saw it in a recipe.
Susan wrote on July 8, 2017
Thank you so much, Dorit! I have been away for a while (story coming soon) and really appreciate any and all help to get the word out again. Cheers!
Andrea A wrote on July 7, 2017
Hi. This cake looks FABULOUS! But unfortunately, I’m allergic to oats. Can another non-gluten, non-grain-based flour be used, such as coconut flour, or even the same amount of other ground up nuts? I can’t have any types of grains, even whole ones. Thanks & have a ncie day!
Susan wrote on July 7, 2017
Hi, Andrea, You could try coconut flour but just make sure you add a little more liquid as it acts like a sponge! Cheers!
Andrea A wrote on July 8, 2017
Thanks for the response. I know how coconut flour is super-absorbent, so I’m thinking I might try Ellie’s suggestion of using quinoa flakes as an alternative. have a great day!
Ellie wrote on July 8, 2017
Andrea thank you for asking–I have the same challenge. I’m thinking of trying with quinoa flakes. Susan have you had experience with quinoa flakes? I’m thinking that like the coconut flour I would need to add more liquid.
Andrea A wrote on July 8, 2017
That’s a great suggestion, Ellie – thanks! I think I’ll try the quinoa flakes rather than coconut flour, so that I don’t have to add so much more liquid. Thanks again & have a nice day!
Susan wrote on July 8, 2017
Yes, coconut flour absorbs liquid like a sponge. Quinoa flakes could work here. They do have a different taste but it’s a great suggestion. Cheers!