Introducing the 2011 Recipe Card Calendar
I am so excited to bring you the brand new “Year of Eating Raw” calendar and recipe card set!
2011 has never looked better! Starting with December of 2010, this beautiful calendar has 13 recipe cards plus one “hints and tips” card, each printed individually on heavy stock. The pictures will keep you motivated and the recipes will keep your tummy happy.
12.99 plus shipping.
On one side of the card is your calendar and a beautiful, inspiring picture. On the back of the card is a beautifully formatted, easy to read recipe! All in a convenient jewel case that doubles as a stand! $12.99 plus shipping Want the Rawmazing Dessert Book, too? Printed Book — $24.99 U.S. Shipping Canada Shipping International Shipping PDF Book — $19.99 No Shipping Charges