Your whole food, plant-based life.

Kelp Noodles

At only 20 calories a serving, kelp noodles are a low calorie, raw substitute for pasta. Kelp noodles are made from kelp (a brown seaweed), sodium alginate (a salt derived from seaweed), and water. Kelp is an edible seaweed that is high in nutrients. High in iodine, kelp also contains over 70 minerals, trace elements, enzymes, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and 21 amino acids.

 Not all kelp is raw so you want to make sure that either the package is labeled raw or check with the manufacturer. 

Kelp noodles can be used right out of the bag. Just rinse under water, pat dry and incorporate with your favorite sauces. They really have no taste so they pick up the flavor of what ever they are mixed with. The texture is mildly crunchy but surprisingly like an al dente pasta. 

You can find kelp noodles on-line and at Asian grocery stores. 

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