Raw Food and Intention
It’s January 20th. How are you doing with your New Year’s intentions?
Was cleaning up your diet one of them? Eating healthier, eating smarter, eating cleaner, those are all goals many of us have here. As time passes, life gears up and sometimes, the best of intentions get lost in day to day survival. But we are not merely surviving in 2010, we are thriving!
Over the holidays, we can stray from our healthy eating habits. Parties, tempting food, holiday stress, they all contribute to the decline of our diet. Before we know it, unhealthy food has replaced too much of our healthy food.
As we work to get back to our healthy eating, there are things that we can do that will help us find and maintain our focus.
1. Make sure your refrigerator is cleaned out. My girls were home from the holidays and things appeared that I hadn’t seen since the last time they were home. The girls went back to Colorado, but the food didn’t go with them. I am not on autopilot when it comes to eating healthy. If unhealthy food is around, I am challenged. My first mission after they leave is to make sure the unhealthy stuff has vacated the premises.
2. Second, clean out your pantry. I give anything that I don’t want to the local food shelves. I eliminate all foods that don’t fit in with how I want to eat. If they don’t fit in with the environment I am creating, they are gone.
3. Set up your raw pantry. You can find information on how to do this here. If you have the ingredients that you need on hand, it is much easier to make the food you want.
4. Always have some raw staples on hand. I find that having crackers and flat breads around help me a ton. They are easy to snack on or turn into quick meals. I make sure that I start another batch before I run out.
These are some of the things that help me. What helps you?
Roxanne wrote on January 23, 2010
” I make sure that I start another batch before I run out.”
Thank you for those words of WISDOM in this blog, Susan!
Simple…but I have never once, contemplated it…”having another batch going”. This
the MOST helpful tip EVER. I know, my great,great,great,great,great, grandmama would
have been dismayed that I’ve never, ever done that in my whole life!. 😉 It’s a sourdough bread kinda thought. 😉
Ariana wrote on January 22, 2010
It’s a good idea to be prepared. If I am hungry and there is junk food or comfort food around I am more likely to eat this than preparing something healthy.
Thank you very much for your inspiring blog!