Your whole food, plant-based life.

Wednesday Giveaway!

Our Monday giveaway turned into the Wednesday giveaway! It is a good one! Today, I am giving away 3, count them 3 things. A Rawmazing package deal! It is the day before Thanksgiving and as a thank you to all of you, I am giving away the Rawmazing Holiday e-book, the Rawmazing Desserts e-book and the Rawmazing Calendar

Of course for this give away…you need to state one thing (once again) that you are grateful for. And if you have entered before, it needs to be a whole new thought. Just post it in the comments. One entry per person, please.  I will take entries until 10:00 pm CST time, tomorrow night. I will announce the winner on Friday, along with some other fun things…it is Black Friday after all!

If you are around, I will be on the radio tonight. KRUU FM at 7:00pm. (I will probably be on around 7:30pm cst) You can find live streaming here: KRUU FM

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your family and friends.

To order Rawmazing Holidays right now, click here: Rawmazing Holidays

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  1. Nikita wrote on November 25, 2010

    For intuition and listening to it.

  2. Karen wrote on November 25, 2010


  3. Katie wrote on November 25, 2010

    I’m grateful for the fact that I’m able to make mistakes and my family will still love me.

  4. Rena wrote on November 25, 2010


  5. JeanMarie wrote on November 25, 2010

    I am grateful for God and all the blessings he brings to me everyday. God is awesome

  6. Rhonda wrote on November 25, 2010

    I am grateful for a warm house full of food and family!!!

  7. Ceyla wrote on November 25, 2010

    I am very grateful for my family and friends. They give me what is truly important in my life: love, support, patience, and understanding.

  8. Stormy wrote on November 24, 2010

    I’m thankful for the *oh-so-needed* reconnection with my guy of 12 years, as of late ♥

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