Top New York chef and restaurateur Matthew Kenney and his partner, Sarma Melngailis, bring you creative, tasty raw food in Raw Food Real World. Dishes such as Zucchini and Green Zebra Tomato Lasagne, Golden Squash Pasta with Black Summer Truffles, and Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart with Vanilla Cream have given raw food a sexy new appeal.
In this lushly photographed book, Kenney and Melngailis show that preparing and eating raw does not mean bland, unsatisfying, or impossibly time-consuming meals. Using dehydrating, Vita-Mix blending, a nuanced understanding of spices, and unprecedented creativity, they explore a whole new outlook on raw food that transfers beautifully and easily from their kitchen to yours — no matter what your present diet. And you’ll immediately begin to reap the benefits of healthful, delicious, life-giving raw food.