Your whole food, plant-based life.

Welcome to Our New Home!

There is a part of me that can’t quite believe that you are reading this post, on this page in our new Rawmazing home. It has been a very long time coming. If I start from when I first started wanting to expand Rawmazing, years. If you count the months that the designers and I have been working on the new site, eight.

There is an amazing amount of work that goes into developing a website. Rawmazing has over 6 years of content. It is a bit like climbing Everest. Well, not really, but you get my point. Every picture had to be reformatted, every post re-written. The design work went through revision after revision. But boy, was it worth it. I actually cried when I saw the dev site go live. And today, we can finally bring you the fruits of all of our labor!



I wanted to let you know about a couple of things that are new, and plans that we have going forward.

  • The first thing you have to check out is the  Recipe Index. It is so much easier to search recipes. And if you want to search ingredients, just use the search box in the upper right corner.
  • As you can see, the posts look different. The recipes are still printable but so much prettier. And all the recipes are still here All 300 plus of them.
  • We are adding new sections to the blog. You will see more cooked food (all plant-based, whole food), a separate section for beauty which we will be expanding, a lifestyle category where I will be exploring this plant-based lifestyle and introducing you to wonderful people and fun things. The photography section links to my photography site but will be expanding in the near future to show you the behind the scenes work and help you to learn along the way. I am super excited about the store. It will be growing to include curated collections of the most wonderful plant based living goods. As it is, it should be much easier for you to find and order the things you need.
  • Each recipe will have the main ingredients or kitchen tools highlighted in the side-bar. Need something? Just click on the picture and you can find out more and even order the product.
  • We are also starting to include a really cool “tip box” where you will find more interesting information about recipes.
  • We have a great “Getting Started Page” that has a lot of good information even if you have been with us for years.
  • The “FAQ” page has been reformatted and we will be adding to it as you bring us questions.
  • And I would love it if you would stop by our new “About” page. I posted a recent wedding picture there and I also give you a closer look at who I am, and why I write this blog.

Jennifer Heller of Artsy Geek did an amazing job of translating my wishes into a reality. Shannon (my assistant) and Kaia (my daughter) and I worked endlessly, going through post after post to get everything just right. And I am thrilled with the results and very grateful for their help. And especially my husband, Peter because without his support, this wouldn’t have been possible.

I really would love to hear what you think about the new site. Enjoy and look for our first new recipe post on Tuesday!


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  1. Judith wrote on November 2, 2015

    Your photos look fantastic on my new 27″ screen iMac. They just pop!!!

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Hi, Judith, Don’t you just love MAC!!! 🙂

  2. Jan wrote on November 2, 2015

    fabulous !!! what more can I say

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you so much, Jan! 🙂

  3. Barbara - Rawfully Tempting wrote on November 2, 2015

    Love it Susan!!! Looks fab!! I’ve been trying to redesign my own site. I also have cooked, plant based recipes combined with raw and have wanted to separate for a long time……but never finished…so congrats to you!!! It really looks beautiful….wishing you much luck…another new beginning to celebrate!!!

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you, Barbara! I could never have done it without Jennifer at Artsy Geek. It was a HUGE project and I am glad you like how it turned out!

  4. Vijaya CHANDRAMOULI wrote on November 2, 2015

    Yes indeed your new website is lovely!
    The work you are doing to promote sustainable Raw plant-based foods is Amazing.
    I have a granddaughter who loves eating raw ( just like my father used to ) and your site is very very useful.
    Wish the world would comprehend the virtues of eating plant-based diets – fresh and raw.Saving on time and also energy!
    Hearty Felicitations !

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you so much, Vijaya. I am so glad you are enjoying the site. 🙂

  5. Penni Shelton wrote on November 2, 2015

    Everything looks & is gorgeous, Susan! BIG Congratulations! I’m personally thrilled to see you shifting things towards a broader audience with more sustainable options for content creation! So happy you’re continuing to shine your light & move forward with the passions and desires of your heart! Much love xoxox

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you so much, Penni! It is so nice to hear from you. Yes, we do have to broaden and expand. And I love to have the opportunity to share all forms of healthy living! Much love back! xoxo

  6. Klem wrote on November 2, 2015

    Love the new site, absolutely great. Just one tiny comment – the font is very difficult for older eyes to read, perhaps if a bit darker?
    Again, the site is lovely.

    • Judith wrote on November 2, 2015

      I agree. The font needs to be a bit darker.

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you, Klem. I will let the designers now, 🙂

  7. Cyrene wrote on November 2, 2015

    Beautiful layout and tons of amazing content. Congratulations.

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you, Cyrene! So glad you like it! 🙂

  8. Ryan wrote on November 2, 2015

    I was surprised when I opened the page today and saw the new site. I actually said ‘whoa’ out aloud! Site looks brilliant and I haven’t even got past this page yet.

    Congratulations on all your hard work. I know when our website at work went live there was a lot of planning into it. I wish you the best for the future, peace and love x

    • Susan wrote on November 2, 2015

      Thank you, Ryan! I have been so excited to get this out to everyone! And I am so glad you like it!! Cheers!

  9. Shannon wrote on November 2, 2015

    Wow!!!! Loooove your new Home! Your old site was great but your new site is AWESOME!! I love the recipe index. I’m inspired to cook better, eat better and enjoy life better!! Yay! And the recipe posts having the items and appliances. Now I know where to find these things 🙂 Thank you, Susan for sharing with the world your talents, skills and passion for living at its finest 🙂 !!


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