Your whole food, plant-based life.

Blueberry Mulberry Maple Granola

Sometimes fun surprises come from places we never expect. This Blueberry Mulberry Maple Granola is one of those surprises. If you have a second, I will fill you in.DSC_6299


It’s getting crazy around here. I am getting married in 25 days (wow, did I really say that?), our house is still under construction, a project that should have been done months ago, we are having a huge celebration party at the unfinished house that was supposed to be finished, and the new website launch date is approaching quickly! Did I mention that I am doing the design work for the house?

The amount of work going into the new site is mind-boggling. We worked on the basic design for 4 months. Now, every post, six years of them, 285 of them, have to be reformatted.  The photos need to be updated and duplicated, the recipes reformatted, and many other changes done behind the scenes. It is hours and hours of work being split between myself, Shannon (my assistant) and Kaia (my daughter, who you will be getting to know soon!). To say that I am overwhelmed is an extreme understatement. But I soldier on.


Orange Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding 

I am working on recipes from 2011 now. And boy is there a difference between my photography then and now. Last night I came across a recipe for Orange Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding. I couldn’t find the original photo in my collections. And when I tried to reformat the downloaded image, it just wasn’t going to work. The new site is so beautiful and this old picture just wasn’t going to cut it.

I got up this morning and remade and reshot the pudding. I also made a new granola to go with it. In the old recipe, I had used the granola recipe from the Rawmazing Transitional Cookbook. It had blueberries and dried cranberries. I had no dried cranberries so I substituted them with dried mulberries. And was I happy with the results! After a bake in the oven (this is not a raw recipe but can be if you dehydrate it instead) the mulberries had the most pleasing texture. They were light and crunchy. They actually reminded me of a childhood favorite, Captain Crunch Cereal, but not quite as sweet. I was so happy with it, I decided to post the recipe for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Why we love Mulberries

  1. They are contain high amounts of anthocyanins which are said to help fight cancer, aging inflammation, and diabetes.
  2. They contain resveratrol.
  3. They are a great source of Vitamin C.
  4. They have significant amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.
  5. They are rich in B-complex vitamins and also vitamin K


You can find dried mulberries many places. I have seen them at Costco and Whole Foods. You can also order them here: Dried Mullberries

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  1. Orange Pulp wrote on September 17, 2015

    I think I’m going to make this recipe this weekend. Thanks!

  2. Kenda wrote on August 31, 2015

    susan I love the recipe and will be anxious to make it. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! I just got married on the 28th of this month for the 1st time. Awesome and on my honeymoon. My husband was a widower and we both are in our 70’s. Looking forward to the new website!!??

    • Susan wrote on August 31, 2015

      Thank you, Kenda! And how wonderful about your wedding and marriage! I love hearing that. 🙂

  3. Britt wrote on August 31, 2015

    This recipe looks great–I live its simplicity and that it’s oil-free! I’ll definitely be giving this a try.

    • Britt wrote on September 10, 2015

      I just made this and it came out great–except I’m totally one of those cliche people who went ahead and changed a few things! 😉 Instead of the cinnamon and spices listed, I used some vanilla powder. I also added a cup of slivered almonds, because almonds seemed to fit well with the blueberry-vanilla combo. It turned out nicely! Thank you so much for this recipe/method! I’ll come back and try it as-written the next time I’m in a cinnamon-y mood.

  4. Sonia wrote on August 31, 2015

    Thank! 🙂

    • Susan wrote on August 31, 2015

      You are welcome! 🙂

  5. Dottie wrote on August 30, 2015

    thank you. I cant tell you how wonderful I think Rawmazing is. Your recipes are so easy and so delicious. thank you for sharing these with us!

    • Susan wrote on August 31, 2015

      Thank you, Dotti! I am do glad you are enjoying the site. 🙂

    • jill wrote on August 30, 2015

      I am so excited about this recipe. I have everything to make it. I recently got 3 lbs. mulberries and only have 1 lb left.
      Thank you for another source to get them. Our Costco here in Dallas does not carry them, must be regional.
      Thanks for the nutritional breakdown on the mulberries.

      • Susan wrote on August 31, 2015

        Jill, The mulberries are great! I am so glad that I could help you use them up. 🙂

  6. Heather@ASpoonfulofHealth wrote on August 30, 2015

    Gosh, this is absolutely gorgeous, especially on the pudding! I LOVE mulberries, blueberries and oats. Yum! Truly awesome, thanks for sharing!

  7. Alix wrote on August 30, 2015

    Wow, can’t wait to eat mulberries mixed in this recipe. I love granola, often have bowls laying around the house…lol..
    Congratulations on the wedding to be -:)

    • Susan wrote on August 30, 2015

      Thank you, Alix!

  8. kate wrote on August 30, 2015

    Hi, I was under the impression that this was a raw website. are the oat flakes raw? If so, where do they come from ?
    thanks. k.

    • Susan wrote on August 30, 2015

      Hi, Kate, We are not, and have never been a 100% raw website. We are high raw but sometimes include cooked or transitional (part raw, part cooked) recipes. There is no dogma here…only good nutrition. You can find raw oat flakes. Read more here: Thanks for asking! Cheers!


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