Cinnamon Honey Hazelnut Drink
The temp here dipped below zero again last night. Seriously, isn’t spring supposed to be coming? Aren’t we supposed to be warming up just a little? I built a big fire in the fireplace and settled down with the pups. What was I missing? A big mug of hot chocolate. I have a great raw food recipe for warm cacao here, but it was getting late and I knew if I drank anything with cacao this late, it could interfere with my sleep.

Hazelnut milk to the rescue! Served with a touch of raw honey and cinnamon, and warmed slightly, it was the perfect before bed nightcap.
More health benefits of cinnamon are becoming known every day. It is a source of magnesium, fiber, calcium and iron. Studies have shown that cinnamon has anti-clotting benefits, can reduce your LDL Cholesterol, help regulate blood sugar and provide relief for arthritis. It is a spice worth looking into.
Warm Hazelnut Cinnamon Milk
- 2 cups Hazelnut Milk (recipe here)
- 1 tablespoon Raw Honey (can add more if you like it sweeter)
- 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
- Mix all ingredients together, warm in dehydrator or over double boiler. You can use a kitchen thermometer to make sure you keep the temp under 116 for raw.
Eco Mama wrote on February 26, 2010
That cup and spoon are spectacular. Nominated you for an award on my site by the way!
Eco Mama
Stacy wrote on February 25, 2010
Susan…where did you buy that beautiful mug & spoon??? It all looks so yummy for a chilly day like today 🙂
Alberta wrote on February 25, 2010
That’s one cool cup and spoon to enhance the magic .
Susan wrote on February 25, 2010
It comes from Ampersand…just click the yellow link to the right on the home page.
hihorosie wrote on February 25, 2010
Oh, I can just imagine the fragrance of this cozy drink! I need to stock up on hazelnuts so I can make this. Sounds wonderful!
Liz wrote on February 25, 2010
Susan-where can I get hazelnuts in quantity? Cub? or do I have to go to a co-op? I really want to try this drink.
Susan wrote on February 25, 2010
You only need a cup for this recipe…and that isn’t a ton. I get them at my coop.
Susan wrote on February 25, 2010
It was so good I went and bought more hazelnuts today! It will become a standard here.
Leslie @LaMamaNaturale wrote on February 25, 2010
Mmm Hazelnuts! This sounds yummy! What a perfect nightcap. 🙂
Jessie wrote on February 25, 2010
You = Genius!
Neven wrote on February 24, 2010
Yum! This recipe looks like a winner. I just love hazelnuts.