Left-over Juice Pulp Dog Treat Recipe
I get A LOT of requests for recipes that use the pulp that is left over from juicing. Frankly, I understand that when you look at all of that vegetable matter, you think, “I can’t possibly throw this away!” But seriously, what you are looking at, it is just the plant matter that is left over from the fruits and vegetables after you extract the nutrients and flavor out of them. It is almost all fiber with hardly any nutrients.

My leftover juice pulp normally ends up feeding the compost pile. But all of that changed a couple of days ago. I was looking at the dwindling doggie treat jar and the pups expanding waistlines and made a decision. I would accept the juice pulp challenge make doggie treats from the pulp!

I started collecting my left-over pulp and placed it in the freezer. When I had a significant amount (only 3 juicings), I pulled it out, let it thaw and started making these little treats. With the addition of sunflower seeds and flax, I created a jar full of treats that the pups went wild for and wouldn’t pack on the pounds.
A great savings over purchased doggie bones, and much healthier, I think this dog treat recipe is a winner. Oh…and I did try one. They are good but honestly lack the wonderful flavor I could have gotten if I had used the actual veggies, not just their pulp. IMPORTANT NOTE: There are some fruits and veggies that are toxic to dogs. Please make sure you don’t include these in your treats. There is a good list here: Toxic Fruits and Veggies for dogs.
Juice Pulp Dog Treat Recipe
- 8 cups juice pulp (make sure you don’t have anything toxic to dogs in your pulp)
- 1 cup sunflower seeds
- 1 cup ground flax soaked in 2 cups water for 1/2 hour
- 1/4 cup nama shoyu (optional)
- Mix all ingredients together and spread on non-stick sheets 1/4 inch thick.
- Score into 1-inch squares.
- Dehydrate at 145* for 1 hour, reduce heat to 115 and continue to dry until completely dry, flipping once during dehydration. Approximately 12-14 hours.
*How is this still raw? Read here: FAQ
loquia wrote on November 28, 2013
my dogs would love eating these.
Cindy wrote on June 13, 2013
Just tried the Toxic fruits and veggies for dogs link and I found it was more confusing. Dogs/cats should or should not have the ‘People Food’ listed?? I would love to try this treat idea, but I definitely do NOT want to harm my animals.
Susan wrote on June 13, 2013
You need to click on each thing listed to see if it is toxic or not. There are many things that dogs can have. The recipe lists ingredients that are safe for dogs.
Cassie wrote on May 16, 2013
Toxic fruits and veggies for dogs link doesn’t work.
Simon wrote on May 14, 2013
How long do these treats keep? How should they be stored after preparing them.
Susan wrote on May 14, 2013
If you dehydrate them completely dry they should keep for weeks. I store them in a glass jar in a dark cupboard. Cheers!