Pear Squash Purée with Pecans and Rosemary
Are you looking for some great raw food recipes for a side-dish on your Thanksgiving table? This super easy Pear Squash Purée is perfect! Super simple to make, great flavor combinations and refreshingly raw! We already know how healthy and tasty raw squash is. The addition of the ripe pear gives it a little natural sweetness and rounds out the flavor. Give it a try! You can find more wonderful Thanksgiving Recipes here: Rawmazing Holidays

Pear Squash Purée with Pecans and Rosemary
- 2 large pears, cored, peeled and cut into chunks
- 3 cups cubed butternut squash, peeled.
- 1/8 teaspoon cloves
- 1/4 teaspoon coriander
- 1/2 cup pecans, chopped
- 1 tablespoon rosemary
- Place pears in food process or high-speed blender. Blend until liquified.
- Add squash, a few chunks at a time until well blended.
- Stir in cloves and coriander.
- Serve topped with pecans and rosemary.
Raw Antonia wrote on November 20, 2011
Oh wow, that looks absolutely delicious! It looks like such a festive side-dish too, I’m thinking it would go amazing with my raw Christmas dinner. Perhaps i stand a chance at convincing some of my relatives to give my raw food dishes a try on Christmas. You blog is really inspirational, few other raw food blogs have such fine varieties of exquisite recipes. I love your sophisticated presentations as well, they give me lots of great ideas for the coming holidays, and this pear and squash puree will definitely make it to my table.
PS: Everything on your site is picture perfect, I wish all my raw dishes looked like yours! 🙂
Amber wrote on November 17, 2011
Brilliant. Your site is a constant source of inspiration. Great work!
Be Well,
Sara wrote on November 16, 2011
thank you so much susan 🙂 all i want to do is make your yummy recipes and spin some yummy yarns! 🙂 and maybe knit while i eat 🙂 🙂 xoxo
Jenné @ Sweet Potato Soul wrote on November 16, 2011
Yummy! This looks incredible. You’re so inspiring!
sara wrote on November 14, 2011
mmmm 🙂 this is a very tasty treat!! i just made it and am savoring every bite! the spices are perfect, the texture is delightful and the pecans make it extra yummy! i’m not gonna lie, i added too much rosemary on mine and promptly doublechecked susan’s presentation, which of course is the perfect amount 🙂 thanks susan for creating such wonderful recipes and helping the rest of us live a whole lot healthier! 🙂 xoxo
Susan wrote on November 15, 2011
Sara, you are welcome! I saw your website….as a fellow spinner and knitter, I must say you have some beautiful stuff!
Tiffany wrote on November 14, 2011
That glass pedestal dish makes it look even more delectable. I love an elegant presentation!
Jenn's Adventures wrote on November 14, 2011
YUM! This is so easy to make and it looks/sounds amazing! I will definitely be attempting this soon for my family to sample. Excited about the 2012 Calendar, too.
–I’m a new reader/subscriber and have been scouring your archives — excellent blog — my entire family has recently turned raw, so your website it a huge help!
Amanda wrote on November 14, 2011
I wouldn’t have thought to combine pears and butternut squash, but that sounds fabulous! Love the additions of coriander and cloves as well.