Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Food Dehydrated Potato Pancakes

What do you do when you are on a raw food diet and winter is setting in? You expand your repertoire of raw food recipes to include heartier, warm raw food! I left the sunshine and 80 degree temperatures in Boulder and arrived to to rain and low 40’s in Minneapolis. It is cold and wet. I knew the last thing I wanted for dinner was all cold food. Time to get creative.




Spotting a beautiful, organic, home grown potato sitting on the counter, I got to work. Previously, I have never used white potatoes in my recipes. Actually, you don’t want to eat potatoes completely raw. Using the dehydrator solved that problem. When I started this dish, I wasn’t  sure how it would turn out. I threw some ingredients together and placed it in the dehydrator. 3 hours later, I was delighted with the results.  Warm out of the dehydrator, served with raw apple sauce, this makes a satisfying meal on a cold, wet night.

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  1. Amanda wrote on September 24, 2014

    Hi Susan! I hope everything is going well with you. I LOVE your blog! Everything looks so yummy. I’m just beginning this raw lifestyle/diet, and I’m curious about oil. I’ve researched it and everyone says to purchase first cold pressed, but even so, how is that raw? Also, I never know which brand to purchase; I’ve looked up that information too, but it’s inconclusive and hard to tell where the olives come from. Can you help me out with this? Thank you!

  2. Liz wrote on July 10, 2011

    my first thought when i saw the picture is: “that looks terrible” (thinking the stuff on the bottom was just red cabbage and the “glop” on the top was the potato), but after reading the ingredients and how its all made… it sounds much better… in fact it seems pretty darn good!!

  3. jean` wrote on February 15, 2011

    Hi Susan- Thank you a million. l didn’t find dehydrator recipes until l discovered your site. l made my own version of potato pancakes today: sweet potato, parsley as well as fresh rosemary, a touch of ginger because it tasted too bland before dehydration. DELICIOUS- and since it’s dry, a great portable snack!
    Perhaps others will find this useful: l copy each recipe separately into an email l send to myself, then print it out. Quick & easy & l have a hard copy to work from.

  4. Sarah wrote on November 8, 2010

    The other day I was eating a batch of these with my family and my mom asked me how we were on a “raw” diet if we were eating these.. Well I had to explain to her what a dehydrator was. She didn’t know! Isn’t that crazy how I explained something to my mom..

    Antique Jewelry

  5. Julie K. wrote on October 22, 2009

    Now those look deeeeelish! I’ve often thought about doing something with potatoes, but just wasn’t sure how they’d behave in a dehydrator, and like you said I wouldn’t want them to come out in the least bit raw. I love potato pancakes, and now you’ve given me incentive to try out a raw version with this fabulous looking recipe! I’ll bet it be great with sweet potatoes too 🙂

    Julie K.


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