Raw Food Recipe Almond Flour
Almond flour is one of the staples used when creating a lot of raw food recipes, and gluten free recipes, especially desserts! But, how do you make it, which one do you use and is there a less expensive alternative to the the packaged type. If you want it to be a lighter color, is that possible?
Since I use a lot of almond flour in my recipes, and there are always questions about it, I thought I would do a comprehensive post on it today. Let’s start with a few basics.
First of all, you want to try to find truly raw almonds. In 2007, a law was passed in the US requiring all almonds to be pasteurized. Unfortunately, this is often done with the use of proplyene oxide which is a toxic substance that was originally used as racing fuel. Other almonds are pasteurized with steam. If you are interested in truly raw almonds, you can find them. We have them in our local coops…imported from Spain. But a quick search on google will provide you with many mail order resources.
That said, almonds are one of the nuts that have enzyme inhibitors to protect them from sprouting before it is time. A 12-24 hour soak in the fridge will release that enzyme and also start the germination process, which activates even more nutrients! I always soak my almonds when I first get them. Out of the grocery bag, into the water then a trip to the dehydrator. Once that is done, I put them in a glass container and store them in the fridge. It is a great habit to get into so you always have almonds ready.
Nutritionally almonds are little power houses! Actually the seed of the almond tree, almonds are full of manganese, vitamin E and magnesium. They are high in monounsaturated fat, the good fat that is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and also decreasing your LDL (the bad) cholesterol. It has even been shown that the healthy fat in almonds may help you lose weight! For a more in-depth nutritional analysis of almonds, click here: Almonds.
Almond Flour
There are a few different ways that you can obtain almond flour. The first is to just put your almonds in the food processor and process until just before they start to hold together. You don’t want to go to far or you will start getting almond butter! If you use almonds that have been soaked and dried, you can actually get a pretty fine flour.
Almond Flour from Soaked, Dehydrated Almonds
Another great way to make almond flour and use up the pulp from your almond milk is to dehydrate the strained pulp and take it for a spin in the food processor or high speed blender.
You start with the pulp from the almond milk and dehydrate it.
Dehydrated pulp from almond milk
If you want a light flour, you can slip the skins off of the almonds after you have soaked them. Dehydrate and process in the food processor or high speed blender to get your flour.
You may also like:
Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds
Almond Flour
Makes 1 cup
Method 1
- 1 cup almonds
1. Place almonds in food processor or high-speed blender and process until a light flour is achieved. You can sift out any chunks and re-process. Make sure you stop before the oils start to release.
Method 2
- almond pulp leftover from making almond milk
1. Dehydrate almond pulp until it is very dry. Pulse in food processor or high-speed blender until chunks are broken up and you have a nice flour.
Sunshine wrote on March 4, 2014
is there another way to “dehydrate” the almonds after the soak? I don’t have a dehydrator.
reb wrote on January 17, 2014
Hello! I have a question: where do you buy almonds from? Thank you a lot!
Susan wrote on January 17, 2014
I get my raw almonds from the local farmer’s market. Cheers!
Gwen wrote on August 29, 2013
I just recently found your website and love it already! Today I came up with another way to use the leftover almond pulp (I don’t need too many cookies!): a “Tuna” Salad which can be eaten in tomato or pepper cups, on lettuce, as a sandwich or as dip for veggies or crackers. I just chop up some onions, celery, shredded carrot, parsley (etc. – depends on what I have on hand!) and add them to my thawed pulp along with some lemon juice, kelp powder, and a touch of salt. The moistness of the pulp holds it together so no other dressing is needed. Even my picky husband liked it!
Telma wrote on March 11, 2013
Thank you.
I do not have a dehydrator. Is that ok to roast it? To dry in low heat in the oven?
April wrote on September 29, 2012
Hello! I have a question about almond butter. If I presoak the almonds, is it necessary for me to dehydrate/roast them before grinding them into almond butter, or can I just blend them? Thanks! 🙂
Susan wrote on September 29, 2012
April, the almonds must be dry. See post above. Cheers!
pauline wrote on September 6, 2012
Help!! Leftover almond pulp taking up space in my freezer! what can i make raw with it?
Susan wrote on September 6, 2012
You can dehydrate it and turn it into a wonderful almond flour. Cheers!
Randie wrote on August 31, 2012
You can also add to your almond butter so it’s not so thin.
CAMI STEWART wrote on August 25, 2012
Thank you! Just the information I was looking for!
dawn wrote on July 3, 2012
i have seen recipes that use the pulp for hummus. has anyone tried this with their leftover pulp?