Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Food Recipe Brussel Sprouts and Figs

It all started with a conversation on Facebook. One of my friends asked if anyone had a recipe for brussel sprouts. I love brussel sprouts. I think my love for them started when I used them as Barbie cabbages. I used to beg my mom to give me some so Barbie could cook too. And I am very suggestive. So, when I went to the farmer’s market yesterday, one of my goals was to score some brussel sprouts!



The brussel sprouts that I did find were little bitty ones. Quite cute but very small. They would have made great Barbie cabbages. Raw brussel sprouts can be very bitter so I knew that if I was going to make a raw food recipe with them, I would have to enlist the dehydrator. I made a marinade of olive oil, garlic, a little lemon juice and salt and pepper. I let them sit for a bit, and then popped them in the dehydrator. After about 6 hours they were done.

I also had a box of figs that I had picked up earlier in the day. After tasting the brussel sprouts I decided they were just ok. Something was missing. I looked at the figs and then back at the brussel sprouts. Were the figs the missing piece? I tried it and it was magic. The sweetness of the figs complimented the brussel sprouts beautifully.


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  1. Karla Rothmann wrote on November 17, 2012

    I used persimmon instead of figs (since that was what I had). Delicious!!

  2. co van der hoek wrote on October 14, 2012

    i am a bit confused, are the figs in the dehydrator all the time? you wrote mix in all ingredients and mixi in with the figs 😉 i am a starter in the raw food kitchen – so help me out please

  3. Chase wrote on July 4, 2012

    I wish I could buy a dehydrator! Looks like this would be amazing.

  4. Barb wrote on April 16, 2012

    Made this on weekend it was scrumptous…

  5. Andrea wrote on January 14, 2012

    This has become a favorite of mine! I fix the brussels sprouts at least weekly, but I haven’t tried them with figs yet. Looking forward to figs being in season.


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