Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies

I love cookies. I have always loved cookies. In days past, I have to admit, there were days that I lived on cookies. A lot of good that did me! Now I have created a wonderful collection of raw food recipes for cookies that are tasty and healthy.



These little raw strawberry thumbprint cookies are modeled after an old favorite of mine that used poppy seeds and strawberry jam. To make them much healthier, the base is almonds, with healthy chia seeds added. Almonds are a wonderful source of fiber and monounsaturated fats, the fat that actually lowers your risk of heart disease. They also contain significant amounts of vitamin E, a wonderful antioxidant. Did you know that they can also lower the glycemic index of what you are eating? That is a great benefit!



Chia also seeds pack a wonderful nutritional punch. Chia seeds are a wonderful source of Omega 3’s and are much more stable than flax. They also don’t have to be ground to release their benefits. They are also a good source of fiber, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper and iron. These little thumbprint cookies are easy to throw together and taste divine!


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    • Susan wrote on December 5, 2015

      Hi, Evey, Our copyright rules are posted on the site. Basically we love links. You can use an unadulterated photo but must link for the recipe. Thanks!

  1. Caroline Berghout wrote on June 21, 2013

    I agree with Karen!
    The website always comes through when I need a recipe, it really helps to make this rawfood trip I just begun a lot of fun. thanks!!


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