Your whole food, plant-based life.

Rawmazing Doughnut Holes

I remember when I first started experimenting with raw food recipes, I came across a raw food recipe for “doughnut holes”. That was a few years ago. Today, I decided to revisit the concept and wanting something that really reminded me of a cinnamon doughnut hole, threw together this quick version. Made with Brazil nuts for a base, some oat flour, flaked oats and coconut oil, a quick roll in cinnamon and sucanant gives a great tasting treat.



Brazil nuts are nutrient dense. They are full of protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that works to neutralize dangerous free radicals. Sucanant is a unrefined sugar cane juice. It is made by heating, so not considered raw, but like maple syrup, is not processed.


Doughnut Holes



Fine chop Brazil nuts in the food processor. Combine with oats and oat flour.



Mix together wet ingredients, stir into dry.



Mix together Sucanant and Cinnamon



Roll into balls and then roll in sucanant cinnamon mixture, refrigerate.




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  1. Alina wrote on May 6, 2012

    I used macadaian nuts, cashews and peacans:-) That is what i had in the pantry. Still really yummy:-) i also used cocao powder instead of cinammon for my little guy and it has turned out to be one of hs favorite treats!!! Thanks:-)

  2. TeenyLittleSuperChef wrote on May 5, 2012

    Oh wow, these sound so delicious and so simple. Have you experimented with any other type of nuts for them? I don’t currently have Brazil nuts in my pantry but would like to try making these this evening. Pretty sure I have almonds and pecans. Do you think either of those would work too? Thanks again for the great recipe!

  3. Natalie Parker wrote on April 3, 2012

    Also, is the oat flour made from oat groats or raw flaked oats?

  4. Natalie Parker wrote on April 3, 2012

    I thought Sucanat was raw because it says its dehydrated??

  5. Christi wrote on March 18, 2012

    I tried these yesterday and they turned out great!!! I think the raw doughnut holes will be our new Saturday morning breakfast tradition!

  6. Carla wrote on April 30, 2011

    I’m trying this yummy sounding recipe. It’s all mixed, but I’m finding it very difficult to make the mixture in to balls. It just keeps crumbling apart. The mixture feels moist (and tastes good!) but won’t hold up. Any tips? For now, I popped the bowl in the fridge thinking that may help.

    • Susan wrote on April 30, 2011

      You have to squeeze them together. You can add a tablespoon of water if your mixture is too dry.

  7. Grace wrote on April 1, 2011

    Wow! These are delicious!!! My mom is a vegan and cannot have processed sugar, so she doesn’t get to have very many sweets these days unless she makes them herself. I am excited to treat her to them when she comes to visit this weekend! Thanks for your great recipes!

  8. Krystal wrote on March 29, 2011

    Let me start out by saying thank you for having a wonderful website.
    Try it with hazelnuts and some vanilla powder.
    So decadent!

  9. Sarah wrote on March 16, 2011

    Thanks for the recipe! I made these for a pot luck at my meditation group and they were hit. So yummy, and nutriuous, I also rolled them in hemp seends with cinnamon …added a nice look and taste.


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