Rejuvelac is a fermented beverage that is inexpensive, easy to make, refreshing to drink and FULL of wonderful nutrients for your body. A healthy probiotic, it also has vitamins B, K and E, proteins, and enzymes. It is beneficial to your digestive system, promoting a healthy intestinal environment. It is also a great starter for raw nut cheese!

- Start with one cup soft wheat berries (pictured). You can also use rye, quinoa, buckwheat, or other grains. Wheat, rye and quinoa seem to make the best rejuvelac. Place the wheat berries in a sprouting jar with a screen top and fill with water.
- Soak the grain for 24 hours. Drain off water, leave berries in jar and rinse two to three times a day until little sprout tails appear.
- Place sprouted grain in large jar with a top that allows air to circulate. Add 4 cups water and let sit on the counter for 2-3 days.
- You will notice that the water will get cloudy and little bubbles will start forming.
- Taste…it should taste clean and fresh with a hint of lemon. Strain the rejuvelac off of the wheat berries and store in covered glass container in the refrigerator. It will keep for at least a week, just make sure it still smells and tastes fresh. You can reuse the wheat berries to make a second batch. It will only take a day.
Joe Stolzenberger wrote on November 27, 2016
I have had no success yet. I have used hard winter wheat berrie. They don’t sprout. I have wasted money on soft wheat berries i get mush because they don’t sprout. What will work every time. Tired of wasting hard earned money.
Adam wrote on December 7, 2016
Are you using certified organic wheat berries that have not been irradiated?
Are you soaking them for not less than 8 and not more than 24 hours before draining them?
Are you rinsing and re-draining them 2-3 times per day after their initial soak?
Is your soaking room under 90 degrees Fahrenheit?
Does your water contain high levels of chlorine or sodium?
As long as the answers to the first 4 questions is Yes, and the last one is No, you should be getting successful results.
Kirill wrote on October 23, 2016
Does anyone know for sure if the berries can be eaten after the rejuvelac is made?
Some websites say to throw it away. Common sense says that those grains cannot be unhealthy if the liquid they are in is healthy.
Adam wrote on November 28, 2016
The berries can be eaten after making rejuvelac. But they’ve already given their all to the rejuvelac, so what remains is somewhat nutritionally bereft, and might be accordingly weak in flavor.
We either compost the spent berries, or feed them to our chickens.
Susan wrote on December 7, 2016
I agree, Adam! Cheers!
Daphne Crowder wrote on October 14, 2016
I just made some with quinoa. It is bitter compared to water kefir, but still good! I saw a suggestion in a cookbook to put the used grains in the dehygrator to make a crispy cereal. That way, you don’t have to throw anything away!
Will wrote on February 4, 2017
I’m interested to learn if anyone has been successful with making Rejuvalac from quinoa? I used quinoa seeds and followed the directions exactly, ( … Soak the grain for 24 hours. Drain off water, leave berries in jar and rinse two to three times a day until little sprout tails appear. … ), … alas this morning I woke up to a large jar of fuzzy growing mold with the unsprouted quinoa seeds and didn’t think it was safe to rinse and continue. So my first attempt was an epic fail, … any suggestions on where I may have went wrong? Thanks.
Adam Marley wrote on February 15, 2017
Was your quinoa certified organic? If not, it may’ve been irradiated or sprayed, and incapable of sprouting.
Otherwise, quinoa, being smaller-grained than wheat, might need a shorter initial soak time. You could try again soaking it only 8-12 hours before its first drain.
Debra Woods wrote on October 9, 2016
I’ve tried this recipe twice. I find that even after only 24 hours the water in the sprouted berries is already bubbly and cloudy. Straining off the berries, the liquid left isn’t fresh smelling but has a sour fermented ‘off’ smell. What is wrong?
What’s the solution?
I’m not sure I can drink this or should. Could it be bad to drink? I add it to smoothies.
Thanks for any tips.
Rhianon wrote on August 19, 2016
Hi there, what should i use to cover when storing in the fridge? Should it be in a preserving bottle or does it still need fresh air by using muslin or similar? Thanks lots!
Peter Hegeman wrote on July 4, 2016
Followed your directions several times with wheat berries and all i get is a cloudy, brownish colored liquid that smells “off”. I can get quinoa to work but it’s 4 times as expensive. Any ideas what could be causing this?
Adam wrote on November 29, 2016
Are your berries actually sprouting? It sounds like they aren’t, so you’re getting rotting wheat berry water instead of rejuvelac.
There are a number of things that can contribute to this.
Are you using certified organic wheat berries? If they aren’t certified organic, they might be dead to begin with.
Is it really hot where you’re trying to sprout them? I’ve found that my wheat berries die and rot when I’m trying to sprout them during the summer and the temperature is higher than 90 degrees in the kitchen. In summer time, I put my sprouting wheat berries in the refrigerator during the day, then put them out on the counter at night, and they sprout just fine.
How long of an initial soak are you giving your wheat berries? Don’t soak them for longer than 24 hours to start the germination process. Longer than that and they will drown and rot.
Does your sprouting jar have good air circulation? Your sprouting jar shouldn’t be more than half full. Personally, I make a sprouting jar by taking a clean, new fly swatter, and cutting it to fit inside the jar’s lid band. Then, after draining the initial soaking water, and after each of the occasional rinses, I place the soaking jar upside-down, at an angle, in our dish drying rack. That lets water drain out through the fly swatter filter lid, and air circulate in, which reduces the potential for rotting.
Kirill wrote on October 29, 2016
Peter, go and buy a bottle of Rejuvelac in a health food store and smell it.
It smells bad.
If your homemade rejuvelac smells better, you are safe.
shawna wrote on August 10, 2016
Are you using a glass jar? Are you covering with only a paper towel or towel – open to air? Whenever I’ve made in plastic containers or even put a loose lid the rejuvelac ended up smelling off (somewhat like vomit). 3rd day is the charm, yum bready smell with lemony taste.
Best wishes
Anne wrote on June 26, 2016
Hi, i have soaked my wheatberries, some have sprouted some have not, my question is can i use the water that rinses the berries as rejuvelac, should i drink it? I have my berrries in jars with water, does it matter that some havent sprouted
Raewyn Bryant wrote on June 12, 2016
Hi there,
I’m trying to make my own rejuvelac with brown rice. However, it smells really bad. Would you say that this is still safe to use? Any suggestions and tips would be greatly appreciated.
Susan wrote on June 14, 2016
No…if it smells bad I would NOT use it. Cheers!
Deanna wrote on May 20, 2016
Is it possible to make a half batch?
Andrei wrote on July 8, 2016
Of course. Half the ingredients – water and wheat will ferment regardless of proportions.