Your whole food, plant-based life.

Strawberry Chocolate Raw Vegan Cheesecake No Nuts!

I promise…this will be the last substitution raw “cheesecake” for a little while. But after the pineapple question, I had to try another one. This raw “cheesecake” turned out so well I wanted to share it with you! Fair warning, there is one more in the series but I have to take a little time off and make some savory recipes before I post that one!


Raw Strawberry Cheesecake


If you have been following along, I am doing a series on replacing cashews in raw desserts. The first replacement was pine nuts and worked beautifully in this raw Lemon Thyme “Cheesecake”. The second attempt used no nuts, just coconut. I made the Pineapple Coconut “Cheesecake” and though the flavor was outstanding, it did require some freezing to set up. I learned that pineapples contain a substance called bromelain, it could have been the prime suspect in preventing the “cheesecake” from setting up. I just had to make another one, with the coconut but without the pineapple to see how it turned out.


Strawberry Cheesecake


I had tons of strawberries in on hand so they became the obvious choice. I jazzed it up with a chocolate crust and some chocolate ganache on the top. The results? Another delightful raw “cheesecake” but once again, even though it was much more firm than the pineapple, it still didn’t set up like the raw nut “cheesecakes”. A quick pop in the freezer before you slice takes care of the problem.

My conclusion? You can use coconut as a substitution, just know that you will lose some of the setting ability. The taste is clean and fresh, perfect for a spring day.

Equipment Needed:

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  1. lora wrote on February 24, 2015

    Awesome, as always! You r my inspiration!
    How do you think, what other berries or fruits will work instead of strawberries? Bananas? pomegranates? Raspberries? Or maybe oranges? Something seasonal for each season? 😉
    Thanks a lot,

  2. Wendy wrote on May 28, 2014

    Hi Susan!

    Love your site! How long can this beautiful cheesecake sit out? Do you think it’s possible to create this as a tiered wedding “cake”? I’m used to making nut-based cheesecakes, but I’m worried about how durable this cheesecake is. Would love your feedback!

    Thanks for doing what you do!

    • Susan wrote on May 29, 2014

      I would test it out. Make a small one and leave it out under the same circumstances you expect and see how it does. It might be a bit too fragile. Cheers!

  3. Miriam wrote on December 16, 2013

    Hi, Very exciting recipe, looks delicious! Just a quick question, when you say

    3 cups flesh from young Thai coconut (I used 4 but it may take 5)

    do you mean 4 cups or 4 coconuts? This is a bit stupid but I have no idea how much flesh you get out of a thai coconut


  4. Cynthia wrote on October 11, 2013

    Susan have you ever used Stevia as a sweetener? The plant leaves dried are wonderfully sweet. It is also available in liquid form.


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