Stress Relief for the Winter Blues
Mmmmm…for your tummy? No, for your tired aching body! Last night I hit the wall. Hours upon hours on the computer, the stress of the cold, plus all the things that life throws at us made me throw in the towel. I needed something quick to bring me back to life. All I could think about was a nice, hot bath.

If you want to turn your bath into a muscle soothing, stress relieving sanctuary, you can go out and spend a bunch of money on bath salts or, you can make your own. They are very inexpensive and as far as I am concerned, superior to anything you can buy. All you need are some Epsom Salts, sea salt and a few of your favorite essential oils.
Epsom Salts are the mineral compound, magnesium sulfate. When put in your bath, Epsom salts relax muscles and draw out toxins. They have a wonderfully soothing effect on your nervous system and smooth your skin! Epsom Salts can even reduce stress by raising your serotonin levels. One more benefit? They help increase your energy levels. You can read more about Epsom Salts on the Epsom Salt Council’s website, HERE.
All I know is that I mixed up this these wonderful bath salts and as I slid into the water, I met bliss. My aches and pains floated away as did all the stresses of the day. I got a great night’s sleep and woke up feeling ready to face the day. Do something special for yourself and relax with this wonderful soak.
Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint Bath Salts
- 4 cups Epsom Salts
- 2 cups Coarse Sea Salt
- 1/2 teaspoon Peppermint Essential Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Lavender Essential Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Mix Epsom Salt and sea salt together. Blend in essential oils. Use 1-2 cups in your bath and enjoy!
*You can order these essential oil ingredients here: Peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus
Dia wrote on July 21, 2010
YEA!!! I love epsom salts!! My mom would put some in a dishpan, & we’d soak our feet when I was growing up – I also mix essential oils into my epsom salts (several drops of lavender, clary sage & geranium) & put a handful or two into my bath. When my granddaughters visit, the 5 year old often requests a foot bath (in my fancy footbath which vibrates or has bubbles), with epsom salts & the candles . . . bliss!
I often sprinkle some on a washcloth, & put that on my shoulders (also have a small tub)
Re nursing – shouldn’t be at all a problem – esp if you have a fussy baby, you may NEED more magnesium, both external & internal!
In my massage practice, when I encounter clients with ‘rock hard’ shoulders, I often suggest they look into supplemental magnesium, women in the US tend to get ~ 1/2 the RDA, & men ~ 2/3 (RDA is 500 mg; another formula is 2/5-4/5 mg per # of ‘ideal weight’)
Fun to add some lavender flowers!
Stacey wrote on June 21, 2010
looks like the flowers from a lavender plant. very relaxing stuff!
Dot D. wrote on February 13, 2010
Susan, What are the dark seeds on the salt? Looks inviting….as your pictures always do.
Luz wrote on February 12, 2010
I always pour a pound of Epsom Salts, some salt, and about a pound of baking soda into my bath water. I keep essential oil bottles in my bathroom just for my speacial baths.
When I’m in the mood I’ll rub in a sugar scrub that I made. I mixed a bag of course dark sugar with coconut oil and then mixed it with all with a few essential oils. It’s delicious and useful as a body scrub.
Susan wrote on February 13, 2010
Sounds lovely! I do a salt scrub.
Dina wrote on February 11, 2010
thanks for the “recipe” — I can’t wait to try it
Gwen wrote on February 11, 2010
This sounds great – I was thinking this would be good to mix up and give to some girlfriends as a gift….what would be a good item to give the “salt” in? thanks for the great tips!
rawvelous wrote on February 11, 2010
Mmmm, my family loves baths made with salts and essential oils. We’ll try your recipe next… any volunteers? 😀
Michal wrote on February 11, 2010
Sounds like what I need with all of this yucky snow!
Lauren @ Eat, Drink, and Be Hopeful wrote on February 11, 2010
I absolutely love reading your blog even if I am not 100% raw. To be honest I just started reading about eating raw and about all the benefits. I love getting recipes from here and I can not wait to purchase a dehydrator. The pictures are great too. This bath soak sound luxurious. I love soaking in Epsom salt. I must try this.