Your whole food, plant-based life.

Whats for Dinner?

Looking for a great raw dinner menu that is perfect for a summer evening?  Corn and zucchini,  plentiful and extremely compatible, are abundant right now. With  just a little prep time,  you can serve your family or friends this delicious dinner…100% raw food!
Starting your prep early in the day, a few simple steps, into the dehydrator and you don’t have to worry about it until dinner! The corn soup is refreshing and lively with a little dash of chipotle and smoked paprika. Enjoy! For Recipe, click “more” below.

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  1. karen wrote on October 22, 2016

    Anything dehydrated/cooked over 118 degrees is NOT RAW. Anything over that temperature the enzymes are pretty much gone. !!!

    • Susan wrote on October 22, 2016

      You will notice on many recipes that dehydration starts at a higher temperature and then is reduced for the remainder of the dehydration. It is still raw. The food is throwing off water and stays cool at the beginning of the dehydration process. Dehydrating like this saves time and also prevents possible fermentation and bacteria formation. The food temperature never goes above 115 so your food stays raw.

  2. Jenny Lynn wrote on July 7, 2013

    I’m sure this is a silly question but with out a dehydrator can I use the oven and set it to 115? We just had almond cheese with pea sprouts and tortillas. It was amazing! Love your website.


    • Susan wrote on July 7, 2013

      Most ovens don’t go that low and work under different principles than a dehydrator. You can read more about it on the FAQ page. Cheers!

  3. Jeani wrote on March 9, 2012

    I made the ‘steaks’ and fries today, and invited a friend to dinner. She had car trouble, so the plans had to change. I just sent her a text telling her I was so glad she didn’t come, and that I just ate an entire head of cauliflower, and a zucchini for my dinner.
    The cauliflower I left in the dehydrator for longer than you suggested, about six hours. It was so good, and it was pretty, too. The little chewy bits were like popcorn!! (I will definitely be experimenting with that idea … maybe with some nutritional yeast added there.)
    The fries were good, but I think I cut them too large. Next time I will make them smaller and use a little more salt.
    This was excellent, Susan. Thanks so much for another great recipe.

  4. Gayla wrote on March 11, 2011

    Oh! And I didn’t strain the soup. It was thick and chowder-y! Very yummy!


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