Your whole food, plant-based life.

Whats for Dinner?

Looking for a great raw dinner menu that is perfect for a summer evening?  Corn and zucchini,  plentiful and extremely compatible, are abundant right now. With  just a little prep time,  you can serve your family or friends this delicious dinner…100% raw food!
Starting your prep early in the day, a few simple steps, into the dehydrator and you don’t have to worry about it until dinner! The corn soup is refreshing and lively with a little dash of chipotle and smoked paprika. Enjoy! For Recipe, click “more” below.

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  1. Eli wrote on August 10, 2010

    Would the soup be good un-strained?

    Love your site!!

    • Susan wrote on August 11, 2010

      Eli, you could try it but because I didn’t make it that way, I don’t know. There is a lot that strains out.

  2. Elizabeth wrote on August 10, 2010

    you truly are RAWMAZING!!!
    Love your recipes.

  3. Stacy wrote on August 10, 2010

    Kale chips are mentioned as a serving suggestion with the soup.

    I am absolutely trying this out. I am really looking forward to the yeast with zucchini – I don’t like the usual breadings of ground flax seeds …


  4. Dot D. wrote on August 10, 2010

    Susan ~ when you say 1/4 tsp chipotle, do you mean dried, in abodo sauce, pickled or how? I cannot find any in the stores… wondering how it comes packaged.

    Also, in the above response you mentioned “kale chips.” There aren’t any in this recipe. Maybe zucchini is what you meant?


    • Susan wrote on August 11, 2010

      I buy it packaged as a spice. You can try Penzey’s Spices on line.

  5. Sekhmet wrote on August 9, 2010

    This menu sounds simply divine! My only problem is that all three recipes call for the use of a dehydrator. I’m sure it can be prepared and served as it. How about addressing that issue for all of us raw fooders that don’t have access to a dehydrator?

    • Susan wrote on August 9, 2010

      You don’t need a dehydrator for the corn soup just don’t do the kale chips. Also, there already are many recipes on the site that don’t require a dehydrator. 🙂 You might want to take a look…

  6. Eco Mama wrote on August 9, 2010

    Mmmmm. This looks great, love the combination and always love namu shoyu with cauliflower.
    Eco Mama

  7. Julie Lynn wrote on August 9, 2010

    Thank you for sharing another way to use the lovely abundance of summer veggies. We’ll give this recipe a try soon. 🙂

  8. Dot D. wrote on August 9, 2010

    I continue to be amazed at how you come up with these simple yet deliciously satisfying meals. This is another winner. Cheers!

  9. patricia halverson wrote on August 9, 2010

    This looks amazing!
    I posted on my facebook page!
    I look forward to meeting you, raw potlucks and recipe exchanges……and being around “like-minded” people when I return to the Twin cities.
    Currently, my daughter and I are eating only fruit for 30 days….(documentary)…but will definitely be trying these tasty recipes after…..actually zucchini is a fruit so I can go ahead and try this one sooner.
    Thanks for the recipes!!!


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