Your whole food, plant-based life.

raw food cooking classes

Raw Food Dehydration Primer

Post by Susan on February 24, 2011

A lot of the raw food questions that end up in the comment section or in my e-mail inbox are about dehydration and raw food recipes.  I decided it was time for a little dehydration primer. Here are the top asked questions: 1. What temperature do you need to dehydrate at to keep the food…

Holiday Holidays
Holiday Holidays

Waking up this morning, I am still exhausted from driving half way across the country yesterday. I flew out to Colorado to spend some time with my daughters and drove back with my youngest and her puppy. The drive from Boulder to Minneapolis is about 14 hours under the best conditions. With a puppy and…

Rawmazing Desserts on Sale!
Rawmazing Desserts on Sale!

Rawmazing Dessert Book Sale! From now until Sunday, September 26th at midnight, the rawmazing dessert book will be on sale! 145 pages of mouth-watering recipes, hints, tips and ingredient and supply glossaries! Every recipe is  beautiful and gourmet, with full color photos and clear, concise directions. You won’t believe that raw desserts can be this…

Rawmazing Upcoming Dessert Class
Rawmazing Upcoming Dessert Class

If you are in the Minneapolis area, or have a friend in the Minneapolis area, I am offering a raw food dessert basics class on Saturday, August 21 st from 9am to 11am. More information and registration can be found here: Rawmazing Dessert Class. This class will be held at the Lakewinds Natural Food Store’s…

News Around Rawmazing
News Around Rawmazing

It’s been a bit of a crazy week and a half around here. I haven’t been in the kitchen developing any rawmazing raw food recipes but now that I am back from my trip, the creativity is flowing! It always amazes me how just a little time away, in a new environment can be so…

Raw Thoughts for Food
Raw Thoughts for Food

The driving reason that many of us seek out the raw food diet lifestyle is because we have discovered that the way we have been eating is not serving us, our health or our planet. I came across a quote from Jonathan Safran Foer’s Book, “Eating Animals”, that struck such a profound cord in me,…

Raw Food Diets, Calcium and Osteoporosis
Raw Food Diets, Calcium and Osteoporosis

We recently discussed how a person on a raw food diet gets enough protein (here). Another question that comes up frequently is, what about calcium? How can you protect yourself from osteoporosis if you are not eating dairy products?  Especially since we have been taught for years that we need to be eating dairy products…

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

From our home to yours, wishing you Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year!

Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds
Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Whether you are eating a raw food diet, or simply incorporating more raw foods into your diet, most likely you are eating more nuts and seeds. In raw food cooking, nuts and seeds are a versatile food source. They can be used to make substitutions for many dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cream…

Raw Food: What Can I Eat?
Raw Food: What Can I Eat?

One of the best things about writing a blog on raw food is getting comments and emails. It helps me to realize that when I send my raw food recipes and posts off into the blogosphere, YOU are out there reading and benefiting from them! So, comment and email away! A lot of the questions…