Your whole food, plant-based life.
Favorite Summer Salads
Around our house, summer dinner is often a big, hearty salad. I love that salads can be easy to throw together and light on the stomach when it’s hot out. I have collected some of my favorite Rawmazing salad recipes for you to enjoy. You can always look in the recipe index to narrow your…

Meet Sanctuary Bistro and a Cookbook Giveaway!
Tucked in a quiet little Berkeley neighborhood just blocks from the bay, Sanctuary Bistro is an oasis. Chef Barry Horton’s passion for exquisitely prepared, delicious plant based, gluten free food is embodied in every dish. Starting with a seasonal amuse-bouche, every dish that follows is exceptional in it’s flavor combinations and presentation. Chef Barry’s…

The Stanford Inn and The Ravens Restaurant
I am doing things a little differently this week. I am excited to bring you a “Shooting the Kitchen” style post featuring The Stanford Inn and The Ravens Restaurant in Mendocino, CA. I am going to take you on a little tour of the Inn and restaurant, the people behind it and also include a fantastic gourmet…

Give-Away! Raw Pashen Bars!
Contest is now closed. Enter to win two boxes of Pashen Raw Bars! Instructions at the end of the post. I love when magic happens. A chance meeting in the grocery store line turns into friends for life, the crossing of paths create wonderful connections that reach far into lives. Or a simple phone call…

How Not to Die – GIVEAWAY!
Enter to win “How Not to Die” by Michael Greger, MD. The best resource on how to use a plant based diet to fight the top 15 life-shortening killers. THE RULES TO ENTER ARE AT THE END OF THE POST. I have been a fan of Dr. Michael Greger for years. His site, NutritionFacts.Org is my…

Wild Plate Contest Winner!
We have a winner! Dabney was picked by our random number generator! Congratulations, Dabney! Now for the rest of you. Something magical always happens when I have a giveaway. I like to ask a question that needs to be answered to enter. For this contest, the question was to write about something that inspires you….

Giveaway! “Wild Plate” Raw Cookbook
I had just finished presenting at the World Veg Fest in San Francisco. It was time to go and browse all the wonderful booths full of interesting vegan food, books, and other goods. As I walked towards the vendors, my eye caught a glimpse of a stunningly beautiful book. The cover grabbed my attention and…

Welcome to Our New Home!
There is a part of me that can’t quite believe that you are reading this post, on this page in our new Rawmazing home. It has been a very long time coming. If I start from when I first started wanting to expand Rawmazing, years. If you count the months that the designers and I have…

Give-Away! Judita Wignall’s Raw & Simple Detox Book
Contest is now closed. “Raw and Simple Detox” BOOK GIVE-AWAY!!! I am super excited about this give-away. I have loved Judita Wignal for years now. She is a radiant soul and her latest book, Raw & Simple Detox is a shining example of her dedicated work. “Raw and Simple Detox, A Delicious Body Reboot for Health, Energy…

We Have A Winner!
I am so excited to announce that Liz Forman won the Rouxbe Plant Based Professional Certification Tuition! Way to go, Liz! Liz says, “When Susan posted about her Rouxbe experience, I couldn’t wait to check it out. An online school that offers plant based instruction right along side traditional? Wow! Well I jumped on that…