Your whole food, plant-based life.

What is Food?

“What is Food?” This is the first question I asked a freshman class of 100 at the University of Minnesota last Wednesday. I was speaking to Professor Michael Stebelton’s class, Multidisciplinary Perspectives to Critical Thinking:  Food for Thought…and Action,  about raw food.

I was greeted with blank stares. Granted, it was morning, most of these kids brains probably were not engaged yet. But it was a simple question. Finally, a young woman raised her hand.  “It is something that sustains us”, she quietly said. It was a great answer. Websters defines food as: any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth. The young woman who answered was one of the three people who had actually heard of the raw food diet.

For the next hour, we talked about Michael Pollan, the nutritional value of food, biochemical individuality, nutrigenomics and the wonders of raw food. We talked about grocery stores and how 90% of the  of the food in the store, I wouldn’t even consider “real” food. It is over processed, over packaged, and over marketed. It offers little in nutritional benefits and a lot in empty calories. We talked about the environment, and how eating raw food is green. We talked about how, with a raw food diet, you can achieve optimal health from fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.

By the end of the class, they were engaged. The questions were flying and I was thrilled. A small group even gathered to ask more questions after I was done speaking. I walked across the campus of my alma mater, on a glorious fall day, happy and excited because for an hour, I got a class of young adults to think a little differently about the food they eat.

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  1. Jessica wrote on October 18, 2010

    What an awesome experience! I agree and would love to hear the talk as well. Please consider posting a link if it was recorded. 🙂

    • Susan wrote on October 18, 2010

      I wish there was a recording…but there is not. I will be posting a link to my appearance on Fresh & Local from AM 950.

  2. rena wrote on October 18, 2010

    I’m curious, how did you get invited to speak at the U of M?

  3. Mapuana wrote on October 17, 2010

    It’s so awesome to see this shift in consciousness and into real food as more become aware of raw foods. I’d also love to hear or see your talk if it’s on video or audio! Mahalo!

  4. elizabeth wrote on October 17, 2010

    How fantastic that your talk inspired these young people to consider another way of sustaining us! Now we just need to get the wee ones on eating healthy! Thank you Susan for your blog & your infectious enthusiasm for a lifestyle that is so needed!

  5. Barbcam wrote on October 17, 2010

    Did anyone record your talk by chance? I would love to hear it!

  6. Jo Gifford wrote on October 17, 2010

    Hi, lovely photo!
    I would love to eat raw and have tried it for about 6 weeks for severe endometriosis and without doubt felt so much better, but cannot sustain it costwise with 2 young children. Any advice?x

  7. Elizabeth wrote on October 17, 2010

    I had the good fortune of speaking to an Anthropology of Food Class at UCSB and they were equally engaged in the discussion. It was inspiring and exciting. I am so happy these young people are being educated at a younger age than I, when their choices will impact their long term health and the planet.


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