Your whole food, plant-based life.

Meet Susan

There is a beauty and grace in simplicity.

Whether it’s how you live, how you eat, or how you move through this world, simplicity creates peace, joy, and health.

After years of complicating my life with the endless search to be “filled”, I have come to a place of grace and have a true joy for life. I move with an open heart and a desire to share what I have learned — and am still learning — along the way.

It is my truest desire to help you to be inspired. To bring health, joy, peace, and beauty into your life.

Seven years ago, when I started Rawmazing, I had found a way of eating that helped heal my past digressions with food. At that time, all I knew was that I loved raw food and the way it made me feel. I read everything I could, bought every book I could find (they were few and far between at that time) and started on a journey that not only brought me better health, but also started a love affair with the creation of recipes made from whole, plant-based, raw food.

Driven to Learn

As my life evolved, I was driven to learn more about the food I was preparing and how it affects our bodies and our health. I enrolled in T. Collin Campbell’s Plant Based Nutrition Course through Cornell’s E-school. What I learned not only supported the daily experience I was having from eating plant based food, but also gave me knowledge to support a whole food, plant-based way of life.

It also helped relieve some of the “raw food guilt” that I had when eating cooked food as I learned that, properly prepared, some cooked food can have great health benefits.  It helped me to strengthen my desire to have a diet including both the raw food I love and healthy cooked food. Learn more about why I’ve chosen to embrace cooked food as well as raw.

It wasn’t a big departure as I have never promoted a 100% raw diet long term. And I have found a wonderful balance by eating raw and whole food, plant-based cooked food.

The Beginning of My Journey

Changing my diet wasn’t the end of the journey, it was the beginning of a journey into a whole food, plant-based life! I completed my Rouxbe Plant Based Professional Cooking Certification and developed a deep desire to start incorporating more cooked recipes into the site.

But it didn’t stop there. I have learned so much in my many trips around the sun. So much about living with grace, about simplifying but not depriving. About the beauty and grace you can create in your life not by constantly adding, but by finding out what brings you joy. I want to share what I have learned and also introduce you to people who have great gifts and wonderful ideas to offer to you.

It is with deep gratitude that I invite you to my site. I am so glad you are on this journey with me. I can’t wait to see where it takes us.

A Few Fun Facts

  • I recently married the love of my life, Peter, on September 24, 2015. Never think that love has passed you by! Meeting an amazing life partner can happen at any age and I am so grateful for my husband, who, by the way, became vegan while I was studying the T. Collin Campbell course.
  • I was born and raised in Minnesota but now live in the San Francisco East Bay Area. I love it here but miss fall and winter and the snow! And especially my mother, Cora. Frequent trips are necessary.
  • I have two grown daughters, Mia and Kaia, who now live in California and Utah. If you were to ask me what my greatest life achievement has been, I would say giving birth to these two beautiful human beings and being lucky enough to be on their journey with them. They are beyond amazing and I love seeing the incredible women they have become.
  • I have also recently been blessed with two outstanding stepsons, Alex and Chris. They bring such a fun and interesting dimension to all of our lives. They are intelligent, caring human beings and I love that we are all a family.
  • We have two wonderful dogs, Atlas, our Kuvasz, and Sadie, our little Pug. Animals are a huge part of my life and I adore all four-legged friends. They bring such peace and unconditional love into our lives, daily.
  • I am an award winning professional food photographer. You can see my work here: and I plan on expanding this part of my life into the blog!
  • I am vegan and strive to have a vegan lifestyle but I am not perfect. I will not judge people for where they are in their journey. I would prefer to extend my hand and help you learn about this lifestyle rather than condemn you. I believe in love and acceptance for wherever you are in your journey.

>As far as the rest of it? I recharge in nature, love to learn, love sewing, knitting, painting, playing the harp and piano, and just about any type of creating that I can do.

I have successfully grown my first limes and lemons and have an amazing herb garden growing in pots. For a Minnesota girl, this is a big deal.

I love that you are here.

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This website is intended to give you information about healthy eating based on research and personal experience. I am not a doctor and information on this website should not be considered medical advice. Please consult your physician for health treatment and diagnosis.

Also, we are an Amazon, Vitamix and Excalibur Affiliate. We make a small commission on any sales completed through our links. We greatly appreciate your support!

We are also now a Rouxbe Affiliate and proud to be one. We do make a commission when you sign up.

Thank You for Visiting!

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  1. Elisa wrote on March 13, 2012

    Dear Susan,
    I just found your blog and I have to say THANK YOU for being such an inspiration and for creating such a helpful, encouraging, non-judgmental space. I think part of what makes transitioning to raw food so scary is the change, but also the all-or-nothing attitude. I have had to deal with my own all-or-nothing attitude for years, and I know it only makes me obsessive and sets me up to fail, because I end up feeling like a failure any time I am not 100% perfect, and then I feel like the day is shot, so I might as well go all out. I have been trying to let go of that mindset for years! So once again, thank you for inspiring me to be a little better each day, rather than the best I can be right off the cuff 😉

  2. Kaela wrote on March 4, 2012

    Thanks so much for this site! I’ve been interested in going raw for a few years but I haven’t felt confident enough to take the plunge. Your blog has done a good job of convincing me! A great resource of information and recipes. Thanks again!

  3. Aromatic Feb - Patti Star wrote on February 18, 2012

    Great Job Susan — the website is well designed and beautiful – you have done our field well!! and you are very creative!! I’ve been doing raw since 2000 — and find it so rich with taste, health, prana and on and on…. So excited that consciousness is expanding in this way… we can so appreciate nature’s gifts through this type of connection. Yes food is real!! It doesn’t have to be processed!!


    Patti Star

  4. Sue Howard wrote on February 5, 2012

    I am just at the beginning of my raw journy, to date I have found it to be wonderful. I feel really well and full of energy.

  5. kelly Parr wrote on December 31, 2011

    I just received a yearly report from WordPress and noticed that you ranked in the top five for “top referring sites!” Thanks!
    Stopped by to visit your blog and wow – well done. 🙂 You have put an incredible amount of work into it. Doing the recipes AND being the photog is truly “rawmazing!”

    Happy New Year!

  6. Anne wrote on July 8, 2011

    You have amazing recipes and beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them with everyone. With these recipes anyone could manage a raw food diet.

  7. Andrew wrote on June 23, 2011

    Hi Susan,

    Just discovered your site today. It really is rawmazing!

    I spend a large part of each year in Japan where there are very few vegetarians, never mind raw foodists. That said, they do have the longest life expectancy in the world. Your website appears to have a lot to offer someone like me who is not yet ready for 100% raw. I do find though that the more fruit and vegetables I consume, the “more energy” and greater “mental clarity” I achieve.

  8. Anna Whang wrote on June 13, 2011

    Hi Susan,
    I’m glad I found your website. Being a cancer patient, eating healthy and wise is the key to achieving optimum health. Your chocolate dessert recipe for cookies looked so delicious, I went to Whole Foods and bought ingredients to make at home. Chocolate is my addiction.
    Warm regards,

  9. Karl Schroeder wrote on May 8, 2011

    Dear Susan,
    I just want to say thank you so much for your wonderful and inspiring work you are doing here! Your website is simply gorgeous and made with so much love. I’m sure it’ll help many people to find raw lifestyle much more interesting and will convince them about the many advantages to try it.
    God bless you!
    Love, Karl


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