Your whole food, plant-based life.

Celebrate the Good

I have been reading all of the comments coming in for the dehydrator. Some make me laugh…like the one from my daughter’s non-boyfriend’s mom, who needs a dehydrator to replace her “decrepit” dehydrator as deemed by my daughter, some make me cry, like the one from the mother who is battling her second bout with cancer and has two young children at home.

I wish I could send dehydrators to everyone that has entered. But that would cost me over 240,000.00 dollars.

Back in November, I tried to start a movement on twitter with a hashtag, #celebratethegood. It was inspired by an observation along the lines of everyday gratitude, except taking it outward. Looking at another person, and instead of just seeing one or two things that drive us nuts, celebrate all of the good things about the person. It can be amazing how a shift in attitude can have such a large impact.

Unfortunately, the hashtag isn’t catching. I guess too many of us would rather sit in the negativity, as it somehow I think it lets us justify our own shortcomings.

Yesterday, I went to pick out a tree. The lot was full of frozen trees that were still tied up. I have a high ceiling in my great room, so I like to get a nine foot tree. I couldn’t find one anywhere. I talked to one of the guys in the lot. No help. The woman who I encountered next was completely unhelpful. And then, he showed up. The teen with the Christmas tree finding cape, flying from his shoulders.

I let him know what I wanted and this teen, Morgan, spent the next half hour, searching through tree after tree to find one that would fit my bill.

He was driven, he was on a mission. His friend stopped by and said, you are crazy. I was simply, completely impressed. This kid said, I love selling trees…and it was apparent.

Last week, I got a new phone. I got remarkable service at Verizon.

At both places, I searched out and found the manager to let them know how exceptional their employees were. Both managers, stared at me open mouthed. One summed it up, beautifully. “Wow, it is so nice to hear something positive for a change.”

It really is up to us…to celebrate the good. It is all around us, we just need to look.

Don’t forget…you have until 10:00pm CST time tonight to put in your comment for the dehydrator. You must put it on that post, and also no double entries or you will disqualify yourself.

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  1. Mapuana wrote on December 6, 2010

    I absolutely agree with you, Susan. In Hawaii the elders say, “Spread the Aloha, it doesn’t cost you anything!” We have bumper stickers that say “Live Aloha”!

  2. Susan wrote on December 6, 2010

    The contest, as stated in the post, ended on 12/5/2010, at 10:00pm CST.

  3. Margaret Meyer wrote on December 6, 2010

    Tried to enter your Dehydrator givewaway but it won’t allow anymore comments?
    I would love to win your dehydrator giveaway because I love dehydrated raw goodies. They are amazing. I would love to do a demo in a mall or store with goodies so people could taste good for you food!! People just don’t have any idea about nutrition. I hope to make a difference!!
    Thank you for your wonderful website!!

  4. Mary wrote on December 6, 2010

    So true. This has inspired me to see the good more often and report the good to supervisors and also to the one who did the good thing! Such a simple and nice thing.

  5. Sarah wrote on December 6, 2010

    I have been following your site for a while and go to it just about every day now or when I can get some time on my lap top. It helps me to feel renewed and not quite so alone to know that there are so many other conscious, good humored and caring people out there! One of my favorite quotes is that one should always treat a stranger as though they were God dressed in drag. Makes me laugh as we are a bit of a jumbled mess, but it is a great reminder that everyone has something to teach you and choosing to see someone’s brightness even if they don’t can help to turn their own minds inwards.

    Happy holidays everyone from Boston!! And keep shining

  6. Joylene wrote on December 6, 2010

    Beautiful post Susan, Thank you so much. It is lovely to start the day with a reminder of what is really important. At my work we have had some massive changes lately and there have been some who have been really negative and resistive. There have been a few of us who have been observing and also trying really hard to be positive – as we have no choice for the changes. We have decided that both poitivity and negativity breed themselves!! I am certainly going to try to get the positive to begat the positive. Reminds me a tad of the Golden Rule, huh?!! “Do unto others…” Thanks again Susan – you and all your commentors inspire me! X

  7. Patricia Robinett wrote on December 6, 2010

    omg, this is a wonderful exchange too. i love barb’s idea of dehydrator care rather than medicare… the #celebratethegood twitter idea… i too got tears in my eyes over catherine’s son’s new appreciation for math & his teacher… faith’s offer of helping the woman with cancer… i too would like to help if i can…

    thoughts, feelings & attitudes are other very important elements in health & healing and at the beginning of the year i’ll be teaching an online *a course in miracles* class on skype, as well as hosting a forum… at — sign up now and we can start early. cooperating with nature by eating simple, raw foods and also learning to release the stress of the past from our bodies — to me, this is the combination that equates to health.

  8. Faith Lubitz wrote on December 6, 2010

    Wow, what a beautiful conversation this is! It fits with the effect raw foods have on many of us, lifting us up high enough to feel positive, see the positive, be the positive…..I would like to offer my services to the woman dealing with cancer—I have a great green smoothie recipe that always makes me feel better, if she doesn’t already know how to do them I would be happy to show her and be of assistance. I also have background as a chiropractor and would like to offer free nutritional and environmental guidelines to her

  9. Catherine wrote on December 6, 2010

    I work for a Middle School and my two son’s attend there as well. My oldest son has always struggled with Math and hates it with a passion. Last night as he and I were out doing some shopping, we stopped to get a bite to eat at Subway and my son did the blessing. Along with thanking God for his food, he thanked Him for math and for his math teacher this year. The very next day I had the honor of going to work and telling this Math teacher the impact he had on my son… my comment brought tears to this big strapping young man’s eyes. This is his first year teaching and it had been a rough day.
    Saying thank you can change a person’s moment and their lives.


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