Your whole food, plant-based life.

Chicken of the Woods

The other morning, I was hiking in the woods with Sadie and Skyler. All around me were these bright orange mushrooms, lighting up the woods. They were beautiful, and since I know nothing about distinguishing edible mushrooms from poisonous ones, I decided that I would come back the next day and take some pictures.

I got home and headed off to the Mill City Farmer’s Market where to my surprise, there was a mushroom vendor selling the same kind of orange mushrooms I had just seen in the woods! I found out that they were called “Chicken in the Woods” and were actually supposed to taste like chicken! All I knew was that the woods I hiked in were full of them!


The next morning, I started out, so excited to find these amazing mushrooms. Since they are supposed to freeze well, I thought I would gather a few. As I walked along the path, there was not a mushroom to be found. Someone had beat me to it. I finished the hike and went home empty handed.

Yesterday, the dogs and I decided to take a different path. As we came up a hill, I looked off to the left and in the distance, shining like an orange beacon, was a whole tree, full of these beautiful mushrooms. I let them be and today when we went back to check, they were still there!

I harvested a few and brought them home. I have not decided what to do with them yet (you can also dye wool with them) but I can assure you that my mushroom expert friend will have a look before they go in my mouth!

Tomorrow we are going to be talking about the benefits of coconut oil, and I have a wonderful recipe for fresh mint, cacao macaroons!

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  1. bitt wrote on September 28, 2010

    I’m pretty sure I’ve had these. We have a wild edible guy who does all the harvesting and brings them to the farmer’s market here in seattle. I wish grocery stores had more variety in mushrooms–there are so many out there!

  2. Susan wrote on September 28, 2010

    Honestly? These will go in the 10% category and get cooked. They are wild mushrooms, I don’t want to take any chances. 🙂

  3. Faith Lubitz wrote on September 28, 2010

    so Susan, I suppose you could marinate these for a lovely un-chicken raw dish…?

  4. Susan wrote on September 28, 2010

    My research indicates that the answer is no but I am not a nutritionist or a physician. If you have a health concern, you should ask your doctor.

  5. Dot D. wrote on September 28, 2010

    How adorable are these?! Look just like chickens. BTW, would you know if there is a fungus such as candida that we can get from eating mushrooms (a fungus, too)?

  6. Susan wrote on September 28, 2010

    They are most popular in the North West but I am in Minnesota. I have also heard of them growing in Hawaii.

  7. llmisher wrote on September 28, 2010

    What region of the country can these mushrooms be found?

  8. leah wrote on September 27, 2010

    you’re a lucky lady, as that is one tasty fungus (and fortunately doesn’t look like any poisonous varieties). in my vegan-but-not-raw days i had some chicken of the woods at an environmental centre when someone brought it back from a hike. they sauteed it and if i hadn’t seen the mushroom cut and cooked, i would’ve sworn i was eating chicken (and although i never liked meat, this was juicy and decadent).



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