Fun Storage Ideas
I buy a lot of stuff in bulk. Actually, I buy everything I can in bulk. I also like to store in glass. I keep my glass storage containers in my pantry in the dark to maintain freshness. Nuts and some grains that I grind fresh live in the refrigerator.
Here’s the part that drives ne nuts. I am good about getting the bulk items in glass to store, but very bad at labeling. I have spent countless hours wondering if something was spelt or wheat, which flour I ground and put in the container or if the beans I am looking at are cannellini beans or navy beans.
I have been dabbling a lot these days on Pinterest in the DYI section. Since I love doing crafty things, it is a haven for new ideas. I have seen “chalkboard paint” used in numerous ways. People dip wine glasses in it so you can write you initials on your glass, the interior of frames are painted so people can make really cool blackboards, and some people actually paint it on sections of children’s rooms walls to make a permanent chalkboard.

I hadn’t used chalkboard paint in any projects yet, but got completely inspired the other day when I could not determine what was in one of my jars. It hit me, why not paint the tops, so I can just write what is in the jar on them. The best part is I can just wipe the top clean and write fresh when the jar gets a different ingredient! Not something I can do with labels. I was off to the hardware store to get supplies!

This is an amazingly simple project. All you need are your metal lids (cleaned well), a sanding sponge (to rough up the lids), a sponge brush and the paint. I used latex because I am messy. It is so simple. Just lightly sand the lids, paint on 3 coats of the chalkboard paint (letting it dry for a couple of hours in-between coats) and most importantly, let the tops cure for about 3 days before you write on them. If you don’t, you will not be happy. Just ask me, I was a bit impatient with the first one.
I love my jars so much that I went out and found some chalkboard labels to put on the front of the jars, too! Martha Stewart has just released a line of very fun office supplies at Staples. She has them in her collection. I found these jars at Target.
I would suggest hand washing. Happy Painting!
isabelle wrote on April 4, 2012
I like the idea and I will try with my jars. Thank you
Sheila wrote on February 26, 2012
I bought an inexpensive label maker. There are many different colors of label tape to choose from and you can vary the font styles. The labels stick really well and won’t come off when the glass jars are washed. When a jar is empty, I give it a good rinse, let it dry and then add the same ingredient . The jars looks very pretty, neat and organized.