Give-Away! Raw Pashen Bars!
Contest is now closed.
Enter to win two boxes of Pashen Raw Bars! Instructions at the end of the post.
I love when magic happens. A chance meeting in the grocery store line turns into friends for life, the crossing of paths create wonderful connections that reach far into lives. Or a simple phone call from an amazing entrepreneur enquiring about recipe development, turns into a wonderful collaboration with visions of wonderful expansion opportunities!

I received just that phone call about a month ago. On the other end of the line was Wendy Sorquist, part-owner of Pashen Bars. These “healthy, delicious superfood snack bars made with organic, sprouted and raw ingredients” are Wendy’s baby and boy are they good.
Wendy was busy working in the corporate world. Frustrated at the lack of impact she felt she had in a huge business structure, she opted to work for a smaller corporation. It was a good fit and Wendy felt that she could accomplish more.
Wendy’s sister had started Pashen bars and was making them in a very small space, with very limited production. When she decided to quit the business, Wendy saw a wonderful opportunity to finally have a product of her own to work with.
They rebranded the bars and set to work, expanding their reach. And it started happening. Minneapolis, where Pashen Bars are located, is very open to local companies that are sustainable. There is amazing community support.
Wendy hit the road and contacted every store that she could think of where Pashen Bars would be a fit. And they took off.
Wendy had a little magical moment one night as she was driving home. They had outgrown their tiny manufacturing space (where she and her brother made all the bars) and was desperate for a commercial kitchen to make the bars in.
As she was driving along, she glanced through a window at a woman who was making pies. The space was Kindred Kitchen, a shared communal commercial kitchen. The laws in Minnesota are pretty strict about making product at home and this turned out to be the perfect answer!
Since then, Pashen Bars have taken off. They have moved to a larger shared commercial kitchen, City Food Studio and production is going like gang-busters. Their bars can be found in many stores in Minnesota and California and they are preparing to expand nationally! I love stories like this.
Back to the phone call.
Wendy has been wanting to expand Pashen Bars for over 5 years. Currently they offer two bars: the original and the cacao. They are both delicious (she sent us two cases that lasted less than a week in our house) but more flavors were needed.
Wendy worked on recipes but could never really come up with a flavor profile she liked. She decided that her strength was in marketing and development, not the recipe development. She had been following Rawmazing for years, loved the recipes and thought, “If anyone can create some great flavors, it’s Susan!”. She reached out, and after a long, wow, I really like you, love fest kind of conversation, I am now working on developing a couple of new bars for them. It’s pretty exciting all the way around.

To kick off this wonderful collaboration, Wendy has graciously offered two full boxes of bars for our give-away! If you want to order right away, click here: Buy Pashen Bars
Photo credits: Wendy Sorquist, Melissa Mobley
- In the comment section of this post, write a couple of words about your favorite flavor combinations. Only one entry per person!
- The contest will close at 10:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time) on Sunday, January 31, 2016.
- We will announce the winner on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
- The winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
- This contest is only open to those 18 years or older.
- You can only enter once.
- Contest winners from countries other than the USA will be subject to the contest rules of their country of origin and may have to pay additional shipping charges.
Kay Star wrote on January 31, 2016
1/31 – Comment – Pashen Bars – How about a raw “candy bar”?
My family needs vegan, oil-free, gluten-free foods for health reasons.
Everyone needs – healthy – candy bars!
Thank You – Kay Star – Carmel, California
HarDarshan Khalsa wrote on January 31, 2016
orange, chocolate, ginger, cardamom, yum.
HarDarshan Khalsa wrote on January 31, 2016
orange, chocolate, ginger, cardamom, yum
Lois Silverman wrote on January 31, 2016
Darn! I just typed out my large, long list of combos and then forgot to add my name and email. and all my info just disappeared. I have a broken right shoulder so forgive me for not retyping my whole list.
Gist of my suggestions was to just the fruits, and seasonings and things that you and your brother love -[close your eyes, pick out a bunch of items from a tray in front of both of you and go for it! It’s bound to be luscious and wonderful. Just remember that dark cherries and chocolate are just begging to be matched together and salted caramel cashews and those Hawaiian big nuts along with some cacoa chips tossed in – maganificent. Just use your imagination and you cannot go wrong!
If yoy need a tester – here I am!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH!
isabel wrote on January 31, 2016
ME i LOOOOOOVE orange+chocolate+ginger+cardamom+seeeeeeeds+coconut+all different kind of berrrrrrries+nutsnutsnuts
Leslie Jackson wrote on January 31, 2016
The Pashen original is simple and pure with enough gorgeous ingredients to energize your body and soul in an instant. Yummy.
Deborah wrote on January 31, 2016
I really like pecans, orange zest, ginger, olive oil, with a touch of maple syrup, pinch of red pepper flakes, and a little sea salt. Yum!
Sirli wrote on January 31, 2016
I like almonds, sunflower, hazel, flax, pumpkin and raisin combo.
Laury wrote on January 31, 2016
I like apple, cinnamon, raw honey and walnuts!