Happy Halloween!
It’s time for a quick catch-up. Or for me to catch my breath! First, I have to say I am really happy by the positive response to the recipe I posted on Wednesday. Along with all the raw food recipes, I will be adding more partial raw winter recipes! I am already eying the wild rice in my cupboard! Thinking apples, dried cranberries, mushrooms, onions…
Today I am working on a raw food recipe for a chocolate terrine. I got the idea from a photo shoot I was on last week. Talk about a taste of heaven. But with a quart of cream, 9 egg yolks, almost two pounds of chocolate and a lot of sugar, it doesn’t really fit into the “is there anything healthy in” there category. On the other hand, it had such a beautiful presentation and a unique taste, I just have to take this one on. Check back this week to see how I did.
Now, what I am really excited about. I am going to be redesigning the site…just a bit. It will still have everything you are used to seeing, but we are working on a landing page that will make navigating the site much easier. And…we are adding features! I am so excited to roll everything out over the next few weeks!
We have a fun giveaway for tomorrow…so check in early!
michelle wrote on November 2, 2010
One word entry:
Great website – thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes.
Wind wrote on November 1, 2010
My favorite cooked meals are the ones that have a bunch of fresh foods mixed in. Thank you for walking the path with an eye on balance for all.
Hannah wrote on November 1, 2010
Wow. Your photography and raw recipes are stunning to say the least. I live in New England and it gets pretty cold and dark in the winters. Not as badly as the Mid-Western winters you endure but none the less long and dreary. I am so thankful for your inspiration with raw foods in colder climates. AHH I am so excited about this site! I love, love, love the pictures of your raw food.
Oh, your recipes are a snap to put together! I am a Mother of two small boys so fast and easy recipes are essential to a raw food Mommy. Thank you.
Ellen wrote on November 1, 2010
Love the idea of you doing more partially raw winter dishes. So many folks have problems maintaining “all raw” in the winter, and many just give in and go back to a diet of all cooked food. Having lost of mostly raw recipes for the winter will be wonderful. Keep up the good work and thank you!