Your whole food, plant-based life.

Monday Give Away!

One of my favorite tools in my raw food kitchen is my spiral slicer! You can make ribbons and wonderful veggie “noodles” out of zucchini, carrots, and cucumbers or use your imagination and create noodles out of your favorite veggie! It is a must for many of the raw food recipes.

Here are the instructions for entering:

You need to put a wish in the comment section. It can be a wish for yourself, a friend, a family member or the planet! Don’t worry about putting names in, the person you are wishing for can remain anonymous.  I do need your name. Make sure your comment is attached to this post.

You can enter between now and tomorrow (Tuesday, October 12) night at midnight. Here is the important part: You must check back on Wednesday and if you have won, you will need to send me an email with your mailing address to The winner and email link will be posted in Wednesday.

Good Luck and let your wishes fly free!

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  1. Bee's Knees Kitchen wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish for my Dad to embrace the Raw Food Diet and loose 150 lbs and to not have to take his insuline shots anymore for his Diabetes!

  2. Darlene wrote on October 12, 2010

    My wish is that my children will continue to make healthy eating choices as they grow up.

  3. Francoise wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish I had more time to prepare your beautiful recipes.

  4. ramona wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish for my daughter to be brave enough to stay with her class over night. This would be such an achievment for her.

  5. Erica Rogers wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish that I will continue to learn and grow. I also wish that will success a being a vegan (beginner) and that my sons will a wonder happy life.

  6. Tana wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish to gain more information on my quest to live a healthier life, and to learn more about raw food.

  7. Michelle wrote on October 12, 2010

    My wish is for my husband to get a job.

  8. Eileen wrote on October 12, 2010

    Malachi 4:6 “And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…”

  9. Melissa Marie Dion wrote on October 12, 2010

    I wish that my hubby’s lil bro gets into the college of his choice.

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