Your whole food, plant-based life.

Monday Giveaway!

Today we are giving away one of m favorite DVD’s, Food Matters. It is inspirational and a great resource for your raw food diet. The best description comes from their site:

“Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food” – Hippocrates.

‘Food Matters’ is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of funding and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies.

The film sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide ‘Sickness Industry’ and exposes a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments.

‘Food Matters’ features interviews with leading medical experts from around the world who discuss natural approaches to preventing and reversing Cancer, Obesity, Heart Disease, Depression, Mental Illness and many other chronic conditions.

Find out what works, what doesn’t and what’s killing you. Becoming informed about the choices you have for you and your family’s health could save your life.

Click continue for entry instructions:

To enter, write a comment, in the comment section for this post briefly stating your biggest personal health wish. I believe that when we actually write these things down, we are putting energy in the right direction. So, you can enter the contest and also, send some good energy out at the same time.

Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, October 26th at midnight. Winner will be announced on Wednesday.

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  1. Lisa wrote on October 26, 2010

    I want to live in harmony with nature, feed my body & those of others with optimal nutrition!

  2. Jane Montanaro wrote on October 26, 2010

    My biggest wish is that I hand down wonderful, healthy habits to my little nursling, who at this point has only had breast milk and raw food, but I’m a little unsure of how I’ll keep it up as he grows.

  3. LisaE wrote on October 26, 2010

    I would love to be eating 80-90 percent raw every day and bring on that glow and energy that comes with it into my later years…Ideal weight is secondary, but also a big wish….:-)

  4. Molly wrote on October 26, 2010

    My health wish is to lose my excess weight and be a such an example that my husband and teens want to be healthy too.

  5. Jessa wrote on October 26, 2010

    My health wish is to eat raw to be a positive role model for my baby girl. She is going to be starting solids soon, and I all of a sudden realized nothing I was putting in my mouth was suitable to share with her (all highly processed). So I am changing for the better, and am looking forward to the extra energy.

  6. Frances wrote on October 26, 2010

    My health wish is to find a way to eat raw to gain my energy back and to be free of joint pain.

  7. Michelle wrote on October 26, 2010

    My wish is to know that I am getting all the vitamins, minerals and nutrition that I need on a daily basis, so I can have the energy that I used to have.

  8. Eileen Christianson wrote on October 26, 2010

    My wish is to not only be healthy, but to feel AMAZING, to give my young teenage daughter tools so she can incorporate this into her lifestyle so when she leaves home it just becomes second nature for her to continue on her own journey and to teach as she goes along in her life, that is how people in the future will change and shift to a different health approach.

  9. Audrey wrote on October 26, 2010

    My personal health wish would be to embrace knowledge on living a raw, vegan lifestyle then take that knowledge and share it with others, whoever will listen…family, friends, strangers…it has changed my life and I know this lifestyle can help so many others!

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