Your whole food, plant-based life.

News Around Rawmazing

It’s been a bit of a crazy week and a half around here. I haven’t been in the kitchen developing any rawmazing raw food recipes but now that I am back from my trip, the creativity is flowing! It always amazes me how just a little time away, in a new environment can be so mentally refreshing.

Last Thursday, my daughter flew me out to Boulder as a Mother’s Day present. The caveat was that I would drive home (17+ hours) with her. We always do it in a straight shot, listening to books along the way. It is grueling but doable. The above picture was taken somewhere in eastern Nebraska right after a storm.

Boulder was delightful, as it always is. I spent a day and a half with my youngest daughter which is always blissful. If you haven’t been to Boulder, you should treat yourself. It is a town that is so alive with youth, health, music, great restaurants and fab shopping. Boulder has a very open minded attitude and it seems that almost everyone is into health, both mental and physical. It always rejuvenates me. Seeing my daughters is simply the best. You can read more about Boulder here: Boulder.

My oldest daughter joined us on Friday night. I have to admit, I am truly happiest when we are all together, which doesn’t happen often these days. We had a very nice dinner out. I managed to find a veggie platter that did the trick. Honestly, the easiest way to eat raw food on this trip was to simply consume a lot of fruit. You can always find fruit plates and with the heat that Colorado was experiencing, it was a perfect fit. After dinner we drove up the mountain for a quick visit.

Sunday morning we were back on the road. A quick 1 1/2 hour drive to Boulder, breakfast with my youngest and then the 16 hour drive from there. The first 3/4 of the drive went well but we hit massive thunderstorms when we got to the Iowa border. Driving the last 4 hours in the pitch dark with the rain coming down so hard you couldn’t see was a challenge.

Mia, my oldest, has decided she wants to eat 100% raw while she is home. Her boyfriend told her, “that is great…then you will be as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside!” What a great way to put it. He get’s stars for that! She has kept me hopping in the kitchen trying all of the things from Rawmazing that she has only been able to drool over. I am sending her home with a food processor, decent blender and dehydrator so she can start making her own raw food. I am still trying to figure out how I gave birth to these two beauties!

Tonight I am going to work on a recipe for zucchini corn cakes. You will find it here tomorrow!

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  1. Christine wrote on June 2, 2010

    Having just spent the last 4 days with my daughter (and son for the first 2 of that) I can sure relate to the comment about being truly happiest when we are all together. And it is a rare thing. What beautiful, beautiful girls you have. We, too, eat raw and spent some great kitchen time making raw treats and a raw Greek filafel dinner. Heavenly…. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  2. Patricia Robinett wrote on June 2, 2010

    the best thing that ever happened to me happened in boulder. 🙂 i am eternally grateful for that gift. and besides that – boulder is wonderful and your daughters are beautiful – i suspect, susan, that you are beautiful too… inside and out. well, ahem… my friend went to a class of yours and told me to look at your photos on facebook… susan, you AND your daughters are beautiful… 🙂

  3. Marty wrote on June 2, 2010

    Beautiful daughters! I have family that lives in Boulder (and Glenwood Springs), LOVE Boulder – would move there in a heart beat!

  4. Kathleen wrote on June 2, 2010

    In the 80’s I lived in Denver and I will never forget how much I loved that time in my life. I was an art student attending the Art Institute of Colorado. Trips to Boulder were frequent. It was so nice reading your passionate story about the trip. Love the pic. Your daughters are beautiful! I hope they stick with the raw life too. My daughter is 19 and has college friends who are embracing raw lifestyles even if they love their Taco Bell fixes. So she’s coming along with the concept without me being the major influence…finding it’s benefits on her own. When she comes to visit me, that is all we eat. Have a wonderful summer.

  5. Kristen Magno wrote on June 2, 2010

    I’m planning on moving to Boulder in 2 years (have never been, going to visit next summer to check it out) any advice on the move, where to live, work, would be awesome!! I wanted to go to college there but the out of state was too expensive so I finished school in CA then moved to VA (DC area is too crowded for me) now thinking of moving to CO, in particular Boulder, because I hear such awesome things about the town…thnx!!

    • Susan wrote on June 2, 2010

      I think the best thing for you to do is go there and see it for yourself. You will have to get the feel and the lay of the land to see what you like…

  6. Julie Lynn wrote on June 2, 2010

    Colorado! Lovely place. 😉

    Your daughters are beautiful. You should be proud, mama.

    Wonderful photographs.

  7. Katie wrote on June 2, 2010

    What wonderful pictures 🙂 Thank you for sharing and what beautiful daughters you have.Thanks for all you write, I really apprecite your blog. xx

  8. Susan wrote on June 2, 2010

    Diane: I love Santa Fe also but Boulder has my heart. Most likely because I have spent so much time there and my daughters are both in CO!

  9. Diane wrote on June 2, 2010

    We have a wish/dream/goal of moving out west before we’re too old to really enjoy it. I fell in love with Boulder on a visit 7 or 8 years ago and thought that was definitely the place. Then I went to Santa Fe a couple years back, and now I can’t decide…

    As for your gorgeous girls – look what you made! 🙂


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