Raw Food 21 Day Winter Challenge
I am excited. If you have been hanging around here for a bit, you know I am not consistently a 100% raw foodist. During the summer? Yes. Because it is easy to be 100%. Local produce is plentiful, the weather is warm, we crave salads and fruit. But when the temps dip below zero in Minnesota, there is 2 plus feet of snow on the ground, and you can hear the wind howling outside, a plate of fruit and salad just doesn’t cut it.
If you browse the site, you will find a lot of heartier, raw food recipes that I use in the winter. But I also give myself leeway to eat more cooked food. As the winter progresses, I tend to allow myself greater quantities of cooked food which can degenerate into eating food that is not good for me, cooked or raw. My body says stop, and I listen, and get inspired.
But why am I excited? Tomorrow, February 1st, I am going to start a 21 day full raw winter “challenge”. Websters defines challenge: “to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties.” I guess it fits because eating a raw diet in the middle of a cold, dark winter can be difficult. But doing this challenge should be stimulating and I am hoping it will arouse a new passion for raw in the dead of winter.
I believe that it will also give me new insight into how to over come the challenges presented and find new ways to share them with you. Mostly, I am just looking forward to how I will feel. I will be writing about this every day for the 21 days on the 21 day tab that you will find at the top of the blog starting tomorrow.
As for today, preparation includes cleaning out the refrigerator, restocking using the pantry list, starting sprouts and soaking grains and making some of my staples (flat breads, nut butters, etc.) Creating more recipes for this challenge is going to be fun and exciting. I invite you to follow along or even join me as I walk through the snow covered pines, raw.
Sybil wrote on February 11, 2010
YAY YAY and YAY! I live in Dallas TX and today we got TONS of snow…tons for us anyway. It has been harder to eat raw this winter as it has been a really cold winter. Add to that I took a tropical vacation at the end of last month and then coming back to this…I was starting to think I had S.A.D.! No more, I’ve given up coffee for now (doing a 21 day thing w. a friend) and even though I’ve slipped a few times, I’m finding ways to over come. Keep it up though you can sooo do this. BTW, this is by far one of my fav raw sites..awesome pics, great recipes, great content. KUTGW!
Tressey wrote on February 8, 2010
This is my first winter, in Illinois being all raw. I am loving it. I am not cold as I was previous years on a cooked diet. I even continue to go outside for a walk most days. The thermostat is set lower than normal and I have not had the need to wear tons of layers. I feel it could be due to improved circulation and continually feeding my cells hydrated foods. I wish you the best.
Nancy Zare, WellnessWiz wrote on February 1, 2010
You go girl! This is my first winter 100% raw. I’m amazed that it’s been relatively easy. So you’ve got my support.
Patricia Robinett wrote on February 1, 2010
my hands and feet were always cold when i ate cooked food. the first few years i was raw, i found it ‘enticing’ to think of eating a little nice warm/hot soup but i finally connected my cooked soup to lifelong poor circulation. so instead of cooking soup, now i blend cuke, celery, onion, carrot (as a base), add greens & some other vegetable(s) for flavor (and to cover lots of nutritional bases). sometimes i add seasonings if i find one interesting at the moment — herbs, curry, spicy peppers, etc. i’m eating far less salt now. am feeling comfortable this winter… but i don’t live in the snow.
Christa wrote on February 1, 2010
I tried your banana tartlets and they are delicous. What can I do to keep the crust a little crustier? Mine are usually soggy.
Also where do you buy the forms for your sweets, or also the vertical stacking?
PS You have a fabulous website. Thank you so much!
Susan wrote on February 1, 2010
I get the forms at my local cooking store. There are a lot of online stores you could check out if you don’t have anything local. As far as the crust goes, some of them are dehydrated, that might be a crust you like better. I like to do crusts that are not dehydrated sometimes so that people who don’t have dehydrators can still make them.
scherry valentine wrote on February 1, 2010
I am so excited about this! I am going to follow you! I was told just yesterday by my new colonhydrotherapist that his raw food clientele are the sickest clients that he treats and that eating raw food in the winter in actually really bad for the body. He has 30 years experience and is advocating ayurveda and he even mentioned butter. He says eating seasonally is optimum. It made sense to my mind but not to my heart. I did not want to argue with him because he was clearly speaking from a place of ego with all of his qualifications, etc. So does warm food actually warm the body? Is raw food damaging to the body in winter? I am in total support of your challenge and can’t wait to hear what you experience each day! I am reading ANASTASIA right now, she lives in Siberia and she only eats raw food. I believe her.
Julie Lynn wrote on February 1, 2010
Good for you! I’m in the very same boat (only I’m starting a 90 day challenge – all raw). I’m so excited and am looking forward to feeling great! =) So, I’ll be checking in here to see how you are doing and cheering you on all that I can.
Mandi wrote on February 1, 2010
Ironically enough, today I just started a 30 day raw challenge! I have been eating horribly the past few months and am in dire need of a serious cleanse. This is my first time committing to a 100% raw diet for any length of time, so if you have any tips, please share!