Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Food and Weight Loss

Zucchini-FlowersYou might want to sit down, I am going on a rant.

I have noticed lately that there are a lot of websites popping up promising weight loss with the “new raw food diet.” Honestly, this saddens me. Raw food for me is not just about weight loss, it is about health gain. It is about learning how to make better choices about the food we eat. It is about how our choices nourish our bodies. If we make good choices, we can have better health, bad choices can lead us to chronic disease, low energy, weight gain and poor health.

I abhor the word diet. The minute you say, “I need to lose weight”, you diminish yourself. You say, I am not what I should be. Personally, I do not have a skinny person’s genetics. But I am healthy. I exercise daily. Whether it be a 5 mile walk, or a power yoga vinyasa.  But do I look like Kate Moss? No.

Now here is where it gets interesting. I was having breakfast with a new friend last week. Someone who knew about my raw food business before they met me. When we met, I am guessing that I did not fit her “image” of what a raw food person should look like. Halfway through our meal, she looked at me and said, “If you are into raw food, why aren’t you skinny?”

Honestly, I didn’t quite know what to say. I am not skinny. Nor am I obese. I would describe myself as curvy and athletic. Skinny? No.

Unfortunately, this brought up a ton of issues for me. I have had times in my life when I gained weight. And truthfully, I have lost weight by eating raw. I still fluctuate. Even though this friend told me that I had a “beautiful face and great skin”, I drove home fighting all of the past insecurities that I have had for years, feeling like I must look awful.

If you are a woman, you know what I am talking about. Society tells us that we are supposed to look like the fashion models on the cover of magazines. It’s interesting that those models don’t  look like their pictures in real life. I have watched people starve themselves to fit a certain type. Is that healthy? No. You are still robbing your body of the essential nutrients it needs to be healthy. And if weight is your only concern, you are not going to be making good choices for your body.

At this meeting it was also suggested that I do a weight loss series on my blog. Take pictures of myself, post them and then show people how you can get skinny on raw food. Because, believe me, you can get skinny on raw food. Eat fruit, veggies and nothing else. You will get skinny. I actually considered it. For about 5 seconds.

Then the light turned on. I don’t believe in diets. I don’t believe in statements like, “oh, you cheated”, or “you can’t eat that”, or “is that on your diet?” I don’t believe in the negativity this creates around our bodies and what we eat. I think it sets you up for failure and self-loathing.

I believe in replacing the unhealthy food you are eating with healthy food. As you eat healthier, you will get healthier. If your body needs to, you will lose weight. Even with raw, it is not the wise choice to sustain yourself with raw Strawberry Cream Pie, raw cookies and raw ice cream. You still need to make balanced choices.

What happens if instead of saying, “I need to lose weight”, you replaced those words with, “I am making healthier choices about the food I eat.” One is negative and condemning, one is empowering. I am all about empowerment. It is a part of the whole process of being a healthy person. Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy attitude. Wanna join me in my  “anti-diet revolt” and join my “choose health” movement instead?

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  1. KA wrote on February 17, 2010

    You’re preaching to the choir over here. Am I at my ideal weight? Nope. Am I huge? Nope. But what I’m not, is doing one more single diet. I believe that if we just learn to give our bodies what they need, then our bodies will do what they need to do. Dieting is OUT, nourishment is IN!

  2. Nanna wrote on December 31, 2009

    Look what a chord you have struck with this post! Yay you! Men and women are beautiful precisely because they come in so many beautiful sizes and shapes and colors and textures – like you, I want to be STRONG and healthy and joyful.

    Thank you for this post!

  3. Cassie wrote on December 22, 2009

    I have just started the raw food journey myself. I suffer from all sorts of health issues including obesity. Weight loss is one of my primary goals because my weight is a serious health concern not because I desire to be skinny. I desire to be alive. I have thyroid issues, fibroids, cysts, multiple bowel obstructions, hernias and all sorts of ills. So far in two weeks “Raw” my thyroid tests are coming back in the normal range(I threw my medication out a while ago). And I have lost 13 pounds. I feel horrible that someone will feel they have the right to judge you or your weight. Raw Food is about being healthy. If we are morbidly obese that is not healthy, If we are underweight that is not healthy either. I am hoping that as I lose I will balance into a nice curvy healthy size. Still I am celebrating my body just as it is for now and as it transforms into a healthier me.

    • Susan wrote on December 22, 2009

      Thanks for sharing…I applaud your efforts and support you on your journey!

  4. Maryam wrote on December 18, 2009

    First of all I’m so impressed by your commitment .. I’m not a raw person nor vegetarian, but know a days I’m trying my best to be raw most of the week and I keep one or two days to taste and eat what I like “perhaps one day I will choose to be complete raw I can never till” .. since I started I really I’m felt huge difference and big improvement in my health .. You are right going raw is a life style to be healthy and live better life not a diet to lose some weight !! I think who goes raw to lose weight he/she didn’t understand the real concept behind it which is much bigger and important than losing some lbs. Yes I’m happy with my weight loss but that a small part from the whole picture .. wish all of you the best ..

  5. Bianca wrote on December 12, 2009

    Ah, this just made me feel better about myself ‘-‘ Good post. Thanks!

  6. tringyokel wrote on December 9, 2009

    Only found your blog about a week ago and just read this post.

    The word diet has certainly changed its meaning for many folk. Whereas I understand it to mean a way of eating it now seems to mean a temporary restrictive eating plan with the sole aim of losing weight. If I say I am on a raw food diet the first comment is usually that any weight lost will return when I go back to a “normal” diet.

    They just don’t get that I do not intend to return to the bad way of eating.

    I’d better confess now that I am not 100% raw. For most of the last year I have been raw at home but accepting that I have to eat cooked foods when eating out. This situation is far from perfect but I have been able to live with it.

    This is all about to change, though. I hope it’s not considered bad form to link to another blog but the post at has really inspired me to move towards 100%.

    And with your recipes, Susan, I might just make it. Please keep the inspiration coming. I have nothing to lose but my surplus weight and bad health.

  7. Dan wrote on November 25, 2009

    Great article, I just found your website today looking for new recipes (oh and I can’t wait to make the oatmeal cookies, the pumpkin pie is a little too much in terms of time for thanksgiving and the tools i have available). I’ve never heard of the raw food diet as a weight loss fad, although I will admit I kinda live in a bubble. But that makes me mad, people are already live with so many insecurities for whatever reason and is pisses me off that people try to take advantage of other peoples fears and insecurities to make money. Ghandi taught us that we should not exploit others for personal gain and I believe that 100% and I think that this applies to situations like this. Anyways thank you for sharing your creativity with others your site is awesome!

  8. Ada Gaber wrote on November 22, 2009

    After being a vegan for 35 years and on perfect weight, went on the raw food diet for health problems. Almost solved all my problems, but am loosing weight like mad. What should I do?

  9. Stacy wrote on October 28, 2009

    Well said!!


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