Raw Food Dehydration Basics
This week’s contest winner is Noelle from SingersKitchen.com!
I have written a couple of posts on dehydration but it is always good to post a little dehydration information refresher. So…here are my top hints and suggestions about dehydrating food.
1. Temperature – You will notice that in many of the recipes, I start at a higher temperature (normally 145 degrees) and then after a period of time, usually 1/2 to 1 hour, reduce the temperature to 115. Yes, this is still raw, and no you are not compromising the nutrients. The thing to remember here is that the FOOD temperature never goes above 115. In the beginning of dehydration, the food is busy kicking off moisture and stays quite cool. Starting at a higher temperature helps the food to do this more efficiently and reduces dehydration time. It also helps prevent potential fermentation and turning your dehydrator into a petri dish. Important: you must remember to turn the dehydrator down after the initial time period or you will essentially cook your food, and destroy the nutrients. I always set a kitchen timer so I don’t forget.
2. Time – Keep in mind that dehydration times are suggested times. There are many things that will influence how fast your dehydrator finishes the food. Humidity, air temp, the type of unit you have, the ingredients you use. There are certain foods that should be dehydrated until very dry, other things that you will want a little moisture still in them (ie the oatmeal cookies). I have also noticed that if you leave raw food recipes that are made with coconut oil or butter in the dehydrator too long, you can get a soapy taste. Best bet? Check your food periodically.
3. Sweet vs Savory – I never dehydrate sweet and savory at the same time. The savory can completely infuse your sweet creations with the wonderful taste and aroma of garlic and onions or the spices that you have used. While I love garlic and onions, I don’t like them in my cookies!
4. Being Economical – I remember reading an article once on a raw food site that stated dehydrating was much more economical than using an oven. A little red flag went up for me. You are using a much lower temperature but you are doing it for hours vs minutes. I actually researched the energy units used and there wasn’t a huge difference. But you can use your dehydrator economically. Plan on doing a few recipes at a time, so it is always full. If you dehydrate your almond pulp for almond flour, freeze it and then throw a few trays in any time you have extra space. Think in terms of having your dehydrator full when used. It only takes a little advanced planning. I even plan to spout in the winter when the dehydrator will be running so the sprouts, sitting by the dehydrator, will enjoy the warmth.
Valerie wrote on July 23, 2011
Sorry, folks–but food+heat=NOT raw! I have a bachelor of sciences degree in foods and nutrition. I enjoy both cooked AND raw foods…and please know that cooked doesn’t equate to “bad” or non-nutritive. Tomatoes, for instance, are more nutritious COOKED because heat releases a majority of the fruit’s lycopene. Everything, healthy and not, cooked and not, can be enjoyed in moderation.
Susan wrote on July 23, 2011
Valerie: There is an a ton of information out there that states if you keep the food temperature under 116 degrees, the enzymes and many of the vitamins and minerals will stay intact. Higher than that and you destroy them. Yes, to each their own but since this is a raw food site, that is what we focus on. It is up to each individual to decide how much raw they want in their diet. Your last statement that EVERYTHING healthy and not can be enjoyed in moderation is true but not for people interested in optimal health. You should try going 100 % raw for a couple of weeks to see the difference. Until you do, you honestly do not have a platform to speak from. Another interesting point. Yes, the lycopene in tomatoes does increase when you cook them. But other nutrients will decrease. Watermelon has much more lycopene in it that tomatoes. It is all relative.
Susan wrote on November 26, 2010
I have honestly never, ever had a problem with macaroons holding together. You need to pack them into a ball but I am not sure what you are doing to have them fall apart….
Sheila wrote on November 26, 2010
I made these and the balls did not hold together well. any hints on making these and things like macaroons to stick better. What texture should they be when dehydrated?
Sherry wrote on November 24, 2010
This was very helpful information to have. I really struggle with knowing how best to dehydrate and when something is really “done”.
Dot D. wrote on November 10, 2010
Thanks for the useful notation on sweet and savory foods not processing during the same drying time. I hadn’t considered that, though it hasn’t happened to me, yet, thankfully!
Razia wrote on November 10, 2010
Thank you so much for all this informaton. I have recently started on Raw foods, mostly green smoothies for now. Haven’t as yet purchased a dehhydrater but intent to sometime soon so yup I am saving this page in order for me to refer to.
You rawfood site is Awesome, I visit this site often and have made notes of your lovely recipes. Am looking forward to making the Earl grey tea chocolates.
Until next time bye for now
Cindy wrote on November 10, 2010
Thanks for the info! The top reason I don’t use mine more is because I hate running it for a small amount. Great idea to freeze and then throw in when the dehydrator is in use. Also, good idea to keep the sprout near it for warmth in the winter!
Sarah wrote on November 10, 2010
Thank you for the dehydrator info, I had wanted clarification on the costs of using it.