Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Food Questions

I just spent 5 wonderful days in Boulder and Summit County with my daughters as I turned a half of a century old. The number seems a bit staggering to me, fifty. It feels like a big number. Honestly, I don’t feel fifty. I believe in part because of my raw food diet.

I spent the day in a blizzard on the mountain, skiing. Winds gusting at 50 mph blew us over as we got off of the chair that took us to the top of the mountain. It was snowing hard and visibility was about fifteen feet. Not your ideal spring skiing.

My daughter and her friends taught me how to hit a box in the park. We skied the trees, with me protesting and my daughter insisting that it was the only place on the mountain that would be out of the wind and have good snow. I got frost bite. All in all a great birthday.

It was invigorating. It allowed me to push myself. And it made fifty just a number, not a sentence. Place your attitude in the right direction, and you can create your journey.

I am still a bit tired from re-entry and have not been back in the kitchen to create any new recipes. So I thought I would answer another question that was submitted during the dehydrator contest.

“What is the best way to store raw breads/crackers?”

I get asked a lot about storing food. How long things will last and if certain foods should be refrigerated. We already covered freezing here: Freezing Food, so I will discuss other methods of storage.

It is important to remember that raw food is just food. It should be treated the same way you would treat any other fresh food. The same rules apply. It is a little different when dehydration comes into play. If you dehydrate ALL of the moisture out of a food. It will keep for a long time in an airtight container. I would keep it out of the light, and also check for any discoloration or off smell as time passes. I have had crackers and flat breads keep for weeks!

On the other hand, if you you stop the dehydration process when there is some moisture remaining, you will want to refrigerate the food to slow down spoilage. I often pull certain things out of the dehydrator early to maintain a softer texture. You will get a week or two but once again, let your eyes and your nose be your guide.

A good rule of thumb to consider is, if there are ingredients in the raw food recipe that normally need refrigeration, then refrigerate your creation. If nothing in the raw food recipe requires refrigeration, most likely you won’t have to refrigerate it because there isn’t anything in it that will spoil. Use common sense and your senses.

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  1. Christine wrote on April 11, 2010

    Happy Birthday. I love your blog full of sense and delicious recipes. You are as young as you feel. And any year we gain healthy and happy is a great present. Sorry my english is not the best. Kind regards from Barcelona. Christine

  2. laura gallagher wrote on April 11, 2010

    Happy BIrthday mama! Sounds like a fun trip.
    I always keep everything in the refridgerator, it just seems crisper and stays fresh longer.

  3. Sonya wrote on April 11, 2010

    Yes, common sense is best!
    Found your blog few days ago and have been enjoying it tremendously.

    Wishing you many more happy birthdays!

  4. hihorosie wrote on April 11, 2010

    Great tips – thanks!

    And happy birthday! 🙂

  5. Jessie R wrote on April 10, 2010

    Happy Birthday.. Thanks for blog 🙂

  6. barbara greenhouse wrote on April 10, 2010

    Happy BD, here’s to just numbers and having some fun. People are amazed I’m my age yet it’s all how you eat and your outlook on life. Enjoyed your blog news today.

  7. Sophie Lhoste wrote on April 10, 2010

    “Use common sense and your senses.” I like that! A lot! Thank you. :o)


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