Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Food Rant

I read once that Mother Theresa was invited to an “Anti War Rally”. She refused. When asked to attend a “Peace Rally”, she gladly accepted. Seems like the same thing but one has negativity (anti-war) built into it, the other positivity. With that in mind, I want to comment on what I see as a tremendous amount of negativity and judgement in the “raw food world” but I am going to try to do it in a positive way.

It seems that everyone has their own idea of how you should eat. One “expert” says you should eat 12 avocados a day and no fruit. Another promotes eating bananas. Lots of bananas. Some say no fruit, others no grains. And the saddest thing is if you don’t do it exactly the way they say, somehow you are not doing it correctly. There is a lot of judgement and blame going on there. We already judge ourself harshly enough. Do we really need some else declaring us a failure if we don’t follow their dictates? So many of us (I include myself in that) already have a messed up relationship with food. Do we need to punish ourselves even more if we “fall off the wagon”?

It has always been my belief, here at Rawmazing that everyone is welcome, no matter where you are on your raw food journey. If something you read here or see here inspires you to add just one healthy thing to your diet, I am happy. I love raw food. I believe in raw food. I also believe in sanity and support. You will find both here.

At Rawmazing:

1. Everyone is welome, no matter where you are in your food journey.

2. You will not be judged. Even if you are eating 5 steaks a day. All you need here is a desire to learn about eating healthier and incorporating more raw foods (and less processed foods) into your diet.

3. You do not have to be 100% raw to receiving benefits from adding raw foods into your diet (but you really should try it sometime.)

4. We understand that everyone is at a different place on their raw food journey.

5. We don’t believe in terms like “falling off the wagon”. Implies failure.

6. We believe that food is an important part of life first,  nutritionally but also sensory, culturally and simply for enjoyment!

7. No one has all of the answers. You need to figure out what works for you.

Have a wonderful Monday!

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  1. Rambling Heather wrote on May 7, 2011

    I just want to say that I am new to your site.. just stumbling upon it today but already have been so blessed and inspired by the words that you write. The peace that comes along with your message. Thank you! I cant wait to continue browsing into more of your history. I am in the beginning of what I hope to be a wonderful journey into Raw foods and healing.

  2. Laura wrote on April 8, 2011

    Who wouldn’t want to try raw after looking at your amazing photos and delectable recipes?? I’ve been making a variation of your macaroon recipes for about 8 months now…just one or two really satisfies my seemingly endless sweet tooth and I thank you for all the work you do here…you are truly a gift! Ah well…all about tolerance and balance. Thank you Susan!!!

  3. Saskia wrote on April 1, 2011

    Well said. Thank you. I love that I can come to your site and get some great recipes, without feeling that I’m “wrong” if I make different choices. Blessings to you.

  4. Kathryn wrote on March 31, 2011

    YES!!! We each have different bodies that require different types of care. I think it is so important that each one of us finds what is best for us as individuals and then support each other.

  5. Tara Burner wrote on March 30, 2011

    Well said Susan! Love your thoughts, message & positivity..not to mention the mouth watering pics and recipes! yummmm

  6. Keane wrote on March 29, 2011

    Great post! I really appreciate the all encompassing attitude! I’m probably the closest thing here to the 5 steaks a day person (okay, I’m not that bad), but I’m always interested in learning new things. That’s one of the main reasons I love visiting your site. It’s always filled with new and creative things!

  7. diane wrote on March 29, 2011

    I think it’s so individual and important to listen to your body. I’ve followed a number of different diets over the years in attempt to improve health (including all or high raw), and at the end of the day, I find that what is “supposed” to be optimal (depending on who you are talking to) doesn’t usually work for me, or at least not for an extended period. I’m still tweaking it, and it seems like my needs change with the seasons and the years, but as soon as anything feels like a “regime,” it takes the fun out of it – and for me, any dogmatic diet becomes bad for my digestion and spirit.

  8. Penni wrote on March 29, 2011

    Well, thank you for this! Praise the Lord and hallelujah. I am in 100% total agreement w/ you. Everybody has to walk their own journey and it is about having fun in the process of learning – not about perfection…. whatever that is.
    Love you!


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