Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Thoughts for Food

The driving reason that many of us seek out the raw food diet lifestyle is because we have discovered that the way we have been eating is not serving us, our health or our planet. I came across a quote from Jonathan Safran Foer’s Book, “Eating Animals”, that struck such a profound cord in me, I simply had to share it with you. The quote actually comes from Frank Reese of Good Shepherd Poultry, taken from a discussion of animal farming practices.

“Just the other day, one of the local pediatricians was telling me he’s seeing all kinds of illnesses that he never used to see. Not only juvenile diabetes, but inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that a lot of the doc’s don’t even know what to call. And girls are going through puberty much earlier, and kids are allergic to just about everything, and asthma is out of control. Everyone knows it’s our food. We’re messing with the genes of these animals, and then feeding them growth hormones and all kinds of drugs that we don’t really know enough about. And then we’re eating them. Kids today are the first generation to grow up on this stuff and we’re making a science experiment out of them.”

How often do we really consider where our food is coming from and what is actually in it. Was the soil it was grown in sterile, requiring petroleum based fertilizers or was it grown in healthy, organic matter, full of the minerals that our bodies so desperately need? Do we really put any thought into what we are putting in our mouths and calling food?

On Monday, our Challenge 21 tab will change. Join me on a 30 day, mindful eating challenge. We will be examining all kinds of issues associated with food. From becoming not only more aware of  what you are eating, but also how you are eating. We will look into where our food comes from and our attitudes about it.  It should be a fun and interesting journey, as we go deeper into our relationship with food.

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  1. Blaine wrote on April 30, 2010

    I’m so with you on this.

  2. Eco Mama wrote on April 30, 2010

    Yaay for spreading the word.
    Eco Mama

  3. Kenna wrote on April 30, 2010

    i’m in. i’m not raw (yet) but vegan and will gladly participate as will my family.

  4. Tammy Nordin-Garcia wrote on April 30, 2010

    This is great! I’m excited for the challenge. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I’m determined to defy what doctors say and get to ultimate health with raw foods.

  5. Kat Thorp wrote on April 30, 2010

    This is awesome. I was just getting ready to do another Hot Yoga and Raw Food Challenge. Count me in!

  6. Rick wrote on April 30, 2010

    i’d love to join you on your next challenge! I’m ready for it 😀

  7. Veggie Girl is Living Rawesome wrote on April 30, 2010

    I am on board! I have been cleansing in so many areas of my life, sometimes, I have even wanted to quit raw food because it really is pulling things out of me that I never imagined. I am grateful and willing to accept the changes, I am looking forward to this. Are you going to do 100%raw?


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