Rawmazing Easy Frozen Desserts!

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I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to offer my latest e-book, “Rawmazing Frozen Desserts”. You are going to love it! I have spent the last weeks, inspired by the heat, creating a whole bunch of stunning, delicious, EASY frozen dessert recipes. You don’t even need an ice cream maker. Everything in the book can be made with a blender or food processor! You will find over 25 recipes including elegant tortes and bars that are super simple to throw together, granitas with new and exciting flavor combinations, ice pops (or popsicles) that every child and adult will love and shaved ice drinks made with healthy fruit purée and other fun ingredients. All of these recipes have been huge hits with raw and not-raw people alike. My girlfriend’s husband was so taken with the Triple Chocolate Hazelnut torte, he didn’t even wait for a plate and fork! Just picked it up and finished it off. This book is raw, vegan and gluten free but honestly…no one would ever guess that you were serving them healthy desserts, they are that good. And did I say easy? SO easy! The best part is that they are not only for hot summer days. They will be recipes you will use year round, especially when entertaining because you can prepare them in advance! Every recipe has a full color photo All of the recipes are made from healthy ingredients with instructions for you to use your sweetener of choice. There are tips on how to make them beautiful and super tasty and the easy to understand instructions you are used to with all Rawmazing Recipes.
These are just a few of the pictures from Rawmazing Frozen Desserts E-Book.
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vimari wrote on August 1, 2011
wow! delicious pics ~~ i must order this book soon <3
Joanna wrote on July 21, 2011
Oh my goodness! The new book looks fabulous! I can hardly wait to try some of the recipes 🙂 perfect summer treats!
mag wrote on July 20, 2011
I’ve been slowly introducing myself to raw cooking b/c my 2 y/o son is allergic to milk/soy/eggs/nuts and i don’t eat meat.. so a perfect combo is RAW cooking for the family. So my question is, are there any recipes in your e-book that does not have soy in it? I’m trying to find more things i can make without soy but most vegan/vegetarian use soy.
Susan wrote on September 30, 2014
Hi, Mag, We don’t use soy in any of the recipes. Soy has to be cooked.
Prudence wrote on September 30, 2014
To Mag and anyone else who is considering buying these books: no worries about soy. They’re not generally part of the raw food diet. Nuts are, but this book has many non-nut selections.
Susan wrote on September 30, 2014
Thanks, Prudence…I missed that question. There is no soy in these cookbooks at all. Soy has to be cooked to be eaten.
jean blum wrote on July 19, 2011
Hello Susan- just received your new non-cookbook in the mail. While l am familiar with many of the recipes, having them in front of me in the beautiful format and photos makes it a pleasure to read and use.
My idea in purchasing it was to express my thanks for all the wonderful meals you have inspired for free on line, but l am so hapy to have it at hand. Thank you.
For me, an e book sounds like a nightmare: the technology is more than l can handle. But l would like at least some of the recipes. Might that be possible?
Susan wrote on July 19, 2011
Oh my gosh…an ebook is just a pdf It is super simple to use. Like a document, but with beautiful photography and great recipes!
Susan wrote on July 19, 2011
The recipes rely mostly on ripe fruit for sweetening. If you need to supplement, you can honestly use anything you are comfortable with. The texture of the desserts are not dependent on a specific sweetener. So, if you want to use stevia you can. Or coconut sugar…or agave. What ever you want.
VALINDA wrote on July 19, 2011
Could you tell me what you use to sweeten the desserts? As always your displays are incredible and what recipesI have made from my cookbook are delicious. I am really looking for healthy desserts, such as sweetened with stevia only or stevia with a combination of fruits. Do you have any suggestions or recipes?
flo makanai wrote on July 19, 2011
I have no spare penny right now to order your book but I would certainly love it, it seems fantastic! Hope you’ll meet success with it and here it goes on my Christmas wish list!
Susan wrote on July 19, 2011
As mentioned above, the categories are Frozen Tortes and Bars, Granitas, Ice Pops and Shaved Ice Drinks. There are over 25 recipes.
Andrea wrote on July 19, 2011
This looks beautiful! How many recipes total? Can you provide a list of the recipe names so we can have idea of the categories? Thanks so much for your beautiful work!