Your whole food, plant-based life.

Why I Eat Raw Food

“This is why I care so much about raw food. If you keep the temp beneath 116 degrees, the enzymes within the food stay alive, the vitamins don’t get denatured and because it is a more natural way to eat, it helps our digestion. It helps the absorption of the correct nutrients.”  -Dr. Mehmet Oz

I listened to Dr. Oz talk about eating a raw food diet to a man who was over weight, and running a very high risk of early death because of his diet. His brother had already passed away from a massive heart attack. As I sat and listened, I thought about what brought me to the raw food diet. How it makes sense to me and how much better I feel when I am eating a raw diet.

My own brother passed away at the age of 45 from a massive heart attack. He was over weight, had developed type two diabetes, and smoked. He was a funny, warm human being with a daughter and a new puppy. He thought he was coming down with the flu and with in less than an hour, he was dead. They found him laying on the ground, next to his truck. He didn’t have a chance. Or did he?

At 47, I found myself over weight, short of breath, having chest pains, and joint pains. I had been put on a prescription for Prilosac because every time I ate, I had terrible acid reflux. I had been athletic all of my life and hardly had ever even taken an aspirin. But something  happened to me when I wasn’t paying attention. My diet caught up with me and I was scared.

My brother didn’t realize what was happening. I am sure he had experienced some of the same symptoms I was having. It was too late for him, it wasn’t too late for me. I knew it was time for a change.

Since going raw, I have eliminated all of my symptoms. I still have periods when my diet goes to hell (like this Christmas) and all the symptoms immediately come flooding back. It is pretty profound and an amazing that my body so eagerly lets me know that it doesn’t approve of my choices. I always find my way back to raw food.

My brother no longer has a choice. I do. I choose raw.

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  1. Amy wrote on March 26, 2010

    I just recently experienced the “off raw” feeling. I have been eating more raw since January and then this month went all raw. I was feeling great….and then I decided one night to have lasagna and garlic bread with the family instead of my usual big dinner salad. After all, one cooked meal wasn’t going to kill me. Ugh! I did not feel good afterwards or have lots of energy like when I eat my raw food. Now I just remember that feeling when some cooked food is tempting me. I know it might taste good, but it won’t make me FEEL good – and that is more important.

  2. Dot D. wrote on March 26, 2010

    Thank you for the personal note. We all have a story inside us that makes us choose the way the go about doing things in our lives….some more poignant than others, but still, they are heard and that’s the good news!

    Susan, what do you consider “a balanced diet” on raw foods?

  3. El wrote on March 25, 2010

    It sounds like quite a wake up call and that you made the right choice. Your strawberry photo is beautiful. Love the light, shadow and depth.

  4. Jessie R wrote on March 25, 2010


    By following a raw diet; do you still watch your calorie intake and/or how much you eat through out your day?


    • Susan wrote on March 26, 2010

      I don’t watch how much I eat or the calorie intake as much as I watch what I am eating and if it is balanced. That is one of the beautiful things about the raw diet. That said, you can’t eat high calorie raw desserts all day and in large quantity and be balanced.

  5. MJ wrote on March 25, 2010


    Thank you for sharing yourself with so many of us…your passion for life and depositing into the lives of others flows through the posts on this blog. My codolesences to you in the passing of your brother. You are right, your brother no longer has a choice. BUT, you are paying tribute to him by impacting the lives of so many people who visit your blog and are exposed to the multiple resources you make available, whether its touting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, or tempting us with simple exoctic and delicious meals that not only would reap praise from our families or guests but would also make Julia Childs say, “wow, she/he must have been trained in the Culinary Halls of New York or Paris.” Our response would be, “yes we were indeed trained by one of the best…. in the Culinary Halls of Rawmazing under the tutledge of Chef Susan!!

    Be Blessed and thanks for your heart of sharing and passion for the lives of others.


  6. Tressey wrote on March 25, 2010

    Thank you for sharing you life with us on a deeper level. I applaud you and support your efforts. I extend my deepest sorrow to you over the lost of your brother.

  7. zc wrote on March 25, 2010

    What an inspiration you are !! My heart rejoices for you.

    Always wishing you all the best !!

  8. Elizabeth wrote on March 25, 2010

    Thanks for sharing your story. I can easily find my own experience in your words. I’m amazed at the way my body leads me back again and again to raw foods and how incredibly well I feel when I am eating this way. When I am really eating a great raw diet cooked food is quite unappealing. The benefits of my diet are so real. What leads me away from raw is not that the food is not satisfying for me, but usually some social issue- holidays, eating away from home, etc. I have always had a very healthy diet and sometimes I rationalize eating a more “moderate” healthy diet. The only issue I have with it is that my body is not happy with it. I find I do best with a diet that is all raw vegan with a moderate quantity of sprouted Ezeikiel or Manna breads from time to time.


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