Your whole food, plant-based life.

Hazelnut Carrot Soup

The inspiration for many of my recipes is simple. What’s in the refrigerator? It’s lunchtime, I haven’t planned and I am hungry. Not all raw food has to be planned in advance. A lot of raw food recipes can be made in minutes and provide us with a super nutritious, quick to make meal.


carrot soup



When I opened the refrigerator door, a large bag of organic carrots was staring at me. Next to the carrots were the hazelnuts. That started me thinking. Minutes later, I had a bowl of hazelnut carrot soup, seasoned beautifully with a little ginger and cinnamon. The addition of an apple plus salt and pepper to taste created a savory depth. This is a must try raw food recipe! This can be warmed in the dehydrator, or high-speed blender. If you warm it on the stove, make sure you have a thermometer….the temp rises VERY fast.


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  1. Martine @ Chompchomp wrote on May 21, 2013

    I have fructose malabsorption so I cannot have apple or honey. I usually use maple instead of honey.What can I use as replacements for apple??


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