Your whole food, plant-based life.

Left-over Juice Pulp Dog Treat Recipe

I get A LOT of requests for recipes that use the pulp that is left over from juicing. Frankly, I understand that when you look at all of that vegetable matter, you think, “I can’t possibly throw this away!” But seriously, what you are looking at, it is just the plant matter that is left over from the fruits and vegetables after you extract the nutrients and flavor out of them. It is almost all fiber with hardly any nutrients.



My leftover juice pulp normally ends up feeding the compost pile. But all of that changed a couple of days ago. I was looking at the dwindling doggie treat jar and the pups expanding waistlines and made a decision. I would accept the juice pulp challenge make doggie treats from the pulp!



I started collecting my left-over pulp and placed it in the freezer. When I had a significant amount (only 3 juicings), I pulled it out, let it thaw and started making these little treats. With the addition of sunflower seeds and flax, I created a jar full of treats that the pups went wild for and wouldn’t pack on the pounds.

A great savings over purchased doggie bones, and much healthier, I think this dog treat recipe is a winner. Oh…and I did try one. They are good but honestly lack the wonderful flavor I could have gotten if I had used the actual veggies, not just their pulp. IMPORTANT NOTE: There are some fruits and veggies that are toxic to dogs. Please make sure you don’t include these in your treats. There is a good list here: Toxic Fruits and Veggies for dogs.


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  1. Ambika wrote on March 29, 2012

    wow! This is incredible. I always see the pulp and throw it away with a very heavy heart. I do try to mix in some into my dog’s food, but its not a hit. I would love to try this recipe, you are amazing! Just discovered your page through pinterest and I am so glad I did 🙂

  2. Manda wrote on March 29, 2012

    Hi Susan
    just brilliant !
    Regarding citrus oils being poisonous for dogs, do you think thus would include orange pulp?
    I thought the oils were in the skin so pklp would be ok. I compost sooo much juice leftovers and oranges are a good percentage of it.
    I’ve just rescued a 4yr old dog and the thought of her having super raw treaties makes my heart sing 🙂
    thank you again !

    • DJRos01 wrote on May 11, 2015

      I thought Nuts generally were not good for dogs

      • Susan wrote on May 11, 2015

        Hi, DJ, There aren’t any nuts in this recipe. Seeds are not nuts. Cheers!

  3. Susan wrote on March 29, 2012

    Anna, I should put up a video. They go nuts for them. But they also love veggies. 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Anna wrote on March 29, 2012

    Do your dogs really like this?! I would LOVE to do this for mine, as he’s prone to chubbiness (lost 25% of his body weight since we adopted him and put him on a diet) and I always feel like I should be doing something with that juicer pulp, but I’m a little worries he would spit it out and look at me like a crazy lady!

  5. Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit wrote on March 29, 2012

    This is great! I usually just give my dogs the fresh pulp, but this would be a lot easier… and cleaner.

  6. Frau Hase wrote on March 29, 2012

    My dogs both love dehydrated “crackers”.

    Regards from Germany
    Frau Hase

  7. Britt wrote on March 28, 2012

    Love this–such a great idea! We actually just decided to replace our pup’s treats with dehydrated fruit. We think her previous store-bought treats may have been upsetting her stomach, and, besides, the fruit is easier and natural. If we ever get a dehydrator, we may have to give these a try too. Oooh, and I’ll bet nut pulp from making nut milk would make tasty biscuits! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Amanda wrote on March 28, 2012

    Brilliant!! Now I jut need to start juicing… 😉

  9. Zeneta wrote on March 28, 2012

    Can’t wait to try this out. I have a pit and would love to have her start raw dishes with composite. Thanks for the recipe.


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