Your whole food, plant-based life.

One Raw Recipe Three Ways!

“Oh my gosh, I would never have the time or patience to prepare food for a raw food diet.” I hear this all the time. Important Fact: with just a little forethought, preparing raw food can be easier than traditional cooking! So, now I am on a mission. Bringing you ways to simplify your life with raw!!!

Spinach Cashew “Cheese” Spread Pictured with Onion Flax Crackers

I have been working on a couple of raw food recipes that can be used to make three different meals. The first recipe in this series is Spinach Cashew “Cheese” Spread. It is great by itself, as a spread on crackers or to add to sandwich flat breads. With just a few additions we will turn it into  a quiche, and a great zucchini pasta sauce.

Now that spring is here, and warmer weather if finally arriving, I am feeling the desire to lighten things up. Cashew “cheeses” can be heavy but with the addition of lemon and spinach, this spread has a lighter texture while still being full of flavor.



Spinach Veggie Quiche



Pumpkin Seed Crust


Spinach Cashew Zucchini Pasta

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  1. The Veg Next Door wrote on May 26, 2009

    I recently made your Spinach Cashew “Cheese” Spread and loved it. My 2.5 year old couldn’t get enough of it and was spooning it quickly to her mouth. It’s creamy and delicious.

  2. Mandee wrote on May 5, 2009

    Wow, all three meals look delicious!

  3. Krunsdogs wrote on April 20, 2009

    I made the spinach cashew “cheese” spread and the pumpkin seed crackers. The spread is very tasty and “cheesy”. It is one my favorites. The crackers were easy to make and taste great! I also made the chocolate craisin pecan flat bread and it is fabulous too.

  4. Shernell wrote on April 17, 2009

    This is such an amazing recipe !

  5. Danny wrote on April 16, 2009

    Lets keep on searching for more truth.

    Thank you for eating foods that are alive.

  6. Cindy wrote on April 16, 2009

    Holy cow! How do you come up with such creative favor combinations? Where did you learn to experiment like this to be able to make your own recipes? These are awesome. And the photography is excellent. You could be a one woman recipe book production company!

  7. Krunsdogs wrote on April 16, 2009

    This is a great post. It shows the versatility raw food can have and encourages us to think outside the box.

  8. Debbie wrote on April 15, 2009

    Looks fabu! I made Entertaining in the Raw’s sesame crackers, they look like your first pic!

  9. Gena wrote on April 15, 2009

    This is a fantastic post, Susan! So sensible and delicious.


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