Your whole food, plant-based life.

Pea Pods with Sun Dried Tomato Spread

Sun dried tomatoes are a favorite around here. Something magical happens when you condense the flavors through drying. I had sun dried tomatoes on the brain when I started working on some raw food recipes today. Wanting something quick and versatile, I came up with a little spread that could double as a “pasta” sauce. I love anything that will cut down on my time in the kitchen! I will post the appetizer today, and the pasta sauce tomorrow!




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  1. Alyce wrote on January 18, 2011

    Are these peapods…sugar snap peapods?

  2. Allie wrote on September 13, 2010

    Cleaver!! Now thats something I have never seen before..

  3. Faith wrote on April 1, 2010

    thanks, this looks great, people should make sure to get snow peas, not shell peas for this…..

  4. Nancy wrote on March 31, 2010

    Susan, I LOVE this pic! I want to put it on my wall! Great job, as usual. 🙂

    (Oh, and the recipe sounds delish, too…) 😉

  5. Mandi wrote on March 31, 2010

    What a wonderfully simple recipe! I love the photo too, very unique and creative. As always..bravo!

  6. Susan wrote on March 31, 2010

    I would google pine nuts from USA and see where you could mail order them from.

  7. Susan wrote on March 31, 2010

    I have never had a pdf button? Haven’t done anything to the format lately…Sorry.

  8. Patty wrote on March 31, 2010

    I have a question regarding pine nuts. I notice they are in a lot of your appetizers.
    I read that the majority of pine nuts come from China. I am sorry but I just do not
    trust food that comes from China. Is there an approiate subsite like walnuts but that
    would probably give a different taste and texture.

    What do you think?
    Thank you

  9. Makrose wrote on March 31, 2010

    Did you change your format on the website? I tried to find the print/pdf button i usually use to save your recipes but i can’t seem to find it today 🙁
    This looks delicious


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