Your whole food, plant-based life.

Pumpkin Seed Cranberry Vegan Cheese Log with Thyme

Vegan Pumplin Cranberry "Cheese" log

I’m in a holiday mood. It feels so welcome and refreshing because I haven’t felt this way in a while. For the last two years, I have been in the process of getting ready to move or had recently moved and I was simply too exhausted to put my normal holiday effort forth. Everything felt last minute and I had an attitude of “just get through it” which is completely out of character for me.

Back in Minnesota, Thanksgiving was a huge feast that brought family and friends together. Shortly after Thanksgiving, I would start decorating for Christmas, my favorite time of year. Every room was touched with candles, lights, or ornaments. Each fireplace had elaborate pine swags that I arranged, little piece by piece. Berries, holly, pinecones, all created a magical picture.

Often, even though I swore I would get the outside lights up before the first snow, I would find myself on the steep roof, standing in a couple of feet of the white stuff, clipping the strings to the edge of the roof. I know it sounds strange, but I loved it. The wind might be blowing and the snow falling but how can you feel bad when your arms are full of little white twinkling lights and snowflakes are blowing all around?

My first Christmas season in California was a struggle. I missed the cold and the snow. I missed the grey November skies have a beauty all of their own. The winter light playing off of the dark bare trees can be breathtakingly beautiful. These are the skies I was used to. The skies I love and missed horribly.

I also missed the silence. When the earth freezes and is covered by a blanket of snow, it is quiet. Blissfully quiet. You may hear the occasional winter birds or the wind in the pines but the daily hum of summer completely disappears. There is silence and it is peaceful. And restful. And a wonderful time to settle in and slow down a bit.

Somehow, looking out the window at palm trees (transplanted since we are in Northern Ca but here none the less) just wasn’t doing it for me. November would hit and I would get grumpy. I was tired of the sun and hearing crickets and lawn mowers in November. It just didn’t feel right for this Minnesota girl.

But this year something is shifting. I feel a little ember of desire. I am looking forward to getting the holidays in full swing. It took me by surprise yet delighted me at the same time.

Where I notice it the most is in the kitchen. Everything I am inspired to make has a holiday or entertaining theme and I am loving it.

I am grateful to be once again inspired by the holidays. And with a daughter now only 3 hours away in the mountains, snow is back on my happy-happy-joy-joy list!

Today’s “raw vegan cheese log” recipe is a great recipe for entertaining. It is easy, beautiful and  full of flavor! Pumpkin seeds, cranberries and pecans marry beautifully and the sharpness of the cashew cheese sets the sweetness of the pecans and cranberries off in the most tasty way! You will need to start this in advance but it refrigerates and even freezes well which is great when entertaining.

You can refrigerate this for a few days in advance or freeze it for up to a month.

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  1. Stacy wrote on November 22, 2013

    Oh yummy!!! Am going to make this tomorrow!
    What crackers are you using? (Lisa asked that also)

  2. Lisa wrote on November 21, 2013

    Hi Susan, what crackers did you use in the photo? They look like lovely with the log. I like the idea that this can be made ahead. That works well for a busy family with three boys. We like to entertain. Hang in there with your second season away from the cold. There is just something about hibernating and slowing down that the fall gives us here in Maine too:-)

  3. Mary wrote on November 21, 2013

    Susan, I love your recipes. I too have been a little chicken to try making nut cheeses, but I think this will take me past that. I’ve not found dried cranberries that don’t have sugar, something I don’t tolerate – you probably dry your own but I don’t have a hydrator. I’ll probably use currants – or dates but why chop when I don’t have to. Thx for the great recipes.

  4. Phyllis wrote on November 21, 2013

    Braggs nutritional yeast doesn’t have msg in it. I purchase it at a food co-op. As for unsweetened dried cranberries, since this is a great time to buy organic cranberries I plan on dehydrating some fresh ones. Will it change the flavor, did you count on the sweetness of most dried cranberries? I ask because I’ve never seen any that aren’t sweetened. Beautiful looking dish, thanks.

  5. Paula wrote on November 21, 2013

    Hi Susan! I hope you love the Bay Area! I miss it having been raised in SF and Pacifica. Florida is just not the same. I’m looking forward to trying this recipe. I haven’t tried looking for unsweetened dried cranberries. Are they hard to find? Where do you get nutritional yeast? Thank you.

  6. Susan wrote on November 21, 2013

    Diana, I love Minnesota with all my heart and soul and at this time of year, I really miss it. But honestly, the bay area is beyond awesome. I love it here, too for different reasons. Cheers!

  7. Susan wrote on November 21, 2013

    Kenda, that is a good question…only the contents. You do not use the shell. Cheers!

  8. Diana wrote on November 21, 2013

    i love how you loved MN. as it is rare to feel so connected to place. and MN needs someone like you!!! that is if you ever decide to return. Grateful for what you offer.


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