Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Dessert Recipe: Cranberry Pecan Torte

I love teaching. It gives me a chance to see and interact with people as they are experiencing raw food recipes. I love the energy and the exchange of ideas.



Last night I taught a class at Lakewinds Natural Foods on Desserts. I wanted to create a class that would teach people the basics so they could branch off and use what they learned to make their own recipes! We started with a cashew cream. I showed them how to turn that into a chia seed pudding, and then cashew whipping cream. From there, we made a basic nut crust that when combined with the cashew whipped cream and filling ingredients, became a Cranberry Pecan Tart! Topped off with a great chocolate ganache, the class was thrilled to learn these basics that they can use in their raw food kitchens.

Wanting a fun and festive recipe, I came up with the idea for the tart while planning the class. What could be more festive than cranberries during the holidays? Tarts are simple and beautiful. You will be amazed at how easy this is to throw together, and how much your family and friends will love it!


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  1. Sara wrote on August 3, 2012

    OK that didn’t make any sense because the almonds are in the crust not the filling, sorry – anyway – not sure why I ended up with so much extra filling but I am sure I can find something to do with it all:)

  2. Sara wrote on August 3, 2012

    I just made the torte and ended up with double the filling as well – perhaps its because of the extra water from the soaked almonds? – as I don’t dehydrate them. I dunno – but it looks and tastes delicious so far! The consistency of the crust was perfection! Can’t wait to get the ganache on it and dig in!!

  3. Victoria wrote on December 5, 2011

    Excellent! I made this two days ago for a dinner party. Didn’t have a 10″ torte so I used a 9″ pie plate. I had extra filling left over but not crust as I made it pretty thick. I didn’t want to waste the filling, so I processed 1/4 cup each of walnuts and raisins and made a crust. Then I lined two Ramekins with the crust, poured in the filling, topped with chopped cranberries and julienned orange peel. It look gorgeous and tasted very good. I think it would have been better; however, if I would have just poured the filling into the Ramekins like a custard.

  4. Gayle wrote on October 12, 2011

    This is delicious!

  5. Ashlyn wrote on July 22, 2011

    I love this torte! Even my husband and little girl love it and they don’t usually try anything raw.
    I’ve already made it twice. The second time I used blueberries because I couldn’t find cranberries. It turned out fabulous both ways!

    P.s another one of our favorites is the white chocolate dark chocolate raspberry tart. I make it for family functions and no one ever believes me when I tell them the ingredients! Lol soo yummy!!

  6. Kat wrote on January 5, 2011

    This look way too good to be raw!

    • Susan wrote on January 5, 2011

      Ah…but it is!!

  7. Heather wrote on January 4, 2011

    That looks really, really good.

  8. Amy Oscar wrote on January 2, 2011

    I’m with susan on this one, ZenJqn. How bout we try things and THEN comment on the outcome?

  9. zenJqn wrote on January 1, 2011

    I am trying this recipe now. Why doesn’t the crust recipe call for any sweetener? It tastes awful without sugar. BTW, I have tried other raw cheesecake recipes and this is the first crust with a not-so-great taste. Here’s to hoping that the sweeteners in the filling and topping will help to offset and balance the overall dessert flavor:-) Stay tuned!

    • Susan wrote on January 1, 2011

      The crust is made for the tart, not to be eaten alone. The reason the crust doesn’t have sweetener in it is because there is plenty in the filling and I wanted balance, not a huge sugar rush. I and others have had great success with this recipe. Please know, I would never post something that tasted “terrible”. All of the recipes are made, tested and approved before posted. This recipe is made to be a whole, not parts.


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