Your whole food, plant-based life.

Holiday Raw Fudge

I wanted to make a pretty raw fudge for my holiday dessert table. As promised this one is loaded with non-heme iron from the cacao, raisins and apricots! Start with a base of almond butter and combine it with some cacao and agave. The addition of chopped apricots, dried cranberries, golden raisins and pecans make it a festive looking addition to your table!



A quick note: I originally tried to use raw honey instead of agave in this recipe. It was a good lesson in why agave is good alternative to other sweeteners. Because of the sweetness level of agave, you can use 1/4 to 1/3 the amount of other sweeteners. 2-3 tablespoons of agave gave me more sweetening power than 3/4 cup of honey.

There has been so many negative things written about agave but if you use an agave from a reputable company (my favorite is Xagave), you can trust that you are getting an organic, raw product, made from the juice of the agave cactus, by using enzymes and a slow dehydration process.

Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil, and others have come out in support of agave. You can get more information here: Dr Weil on Agave, and here: Xagave.

While I am sure there are sub-standard agave products on the market, there are good ones too. It is important to do your research to find out which ones are best. While I can support Xagave, as I have spoken to them and done much research on their product, I can not speak for any other agave product. I would suggest that if you want to know how a particular company is making their agave, you contact them and ask. If they are not willing to give you the information, reconsider using it. (note: I do not receive any advertising money from Xagave, I just love the product).


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  1. ann wrote on December 24, 2010

    The problem with agave is that it’s a processed sugar, very much like high fructose corn syrup. And it’s not raw! But I’ll try the recipe with honey, thanks!

    • Susan wrote on December 24, 2010

      I do not agree that all agave is like high fructose corn syrup. There are major differences.

  2. Carol S. wrote on December 24, 2010

    Can I buy the Almond Butter? I tried making some last night and was not successful – I soaked the Almonds for 4 hours, should it have been longer?

    • Susan wrote on December 24, 2010

      If you soaked the almonds, you needed to make sure that they were properly dehydrated dry before you made the almond butter.

  3. Tanya wrote on December 23, 2010

    Oh these look good! I don’t have coconut oil, so as you mentioned above….I’m going to leave it out 🙂

  4. Dianne wrote on December 23, 2010

    Presently dehydrating the mushrooms crackers. Thought I’d check in to see what is new and wow…fudge!!! Well, guess what I’m making for New Year’s eve!?!

    My goal for the new New Year is to make at least one new raw food recipe per week. Eventually, I’ll have a 2 – 2 weeks rotating menu. I love how I spend less time in the kitchen with a raw food diet and the extra energy to enjoy life.

    Have a Happy Christmas and again many thanks for such a superior raw food website.

  5. Monique wrote on December 23, 2010

    could i make this with dried cherries and omit the other fruits? it sounds good the way you have it, but dried cherries are the only thing i have on hand and i’d really love to make this for tomorrow. thanks!

  6. dragonmamma/naomi wrote on December 23, 2010

    On your word, I’m going to try it! It sure does look good.

  7. dragonmamma/naomi wrote on December 23, 2010

    Is an ingredient missing from the list? Almond butter is pretty darn soft, and it seems like it would be even more liquidy with the addition of agave nectar and coconut oil. The only dry ingredient I see is the 1/2 c of cocoa. Is that enough to firm it up?

    • Susan wrote on December 23, 2010

      Yes…as long as you refrigerate it, it is fine. I have even made it without the coconut oil. As you know, when coconut oil is refrigerated, it solidifies. It is not a “hard” fudge like one loaded with sugar, but it definitely sets up just fine.

  8. Stacy L wrote on December 23, 2010

    Looks amazing!!! Thank you!

    Happy holidays to you and yours.



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